Recent content by elpidarp

  1. elpidarp

    Why did you begin to do roleplaying?

    Oh, God, I don't think I could tell you why I began roleplaying. I was 12 years old and got my start on Neopets. I guess it was just something to do, I'd say it fulfilled some sort of fantasy in my head to get behind the eyes of something/someone else, but honestly, I was roleplaying Lupes and...
  2. elpidarp

    How did you find us?

    I found you because @ForumRoleplay RT'd you guys ^_^
  3. elpidarp

    New User Cor has entered the chat

    Hi everyone! I'm Cor. I'm probably way too old to be RPing but doing it anyway. I found you guys via Twitter! I run my own PbP forum roleplay so came to advertise that, but always enjoy joining new RP communities full of like-minded writers and staffers to congregate with and bounce ideas off...