Recent content by Kasimir

  1. Kasimir

    New User Looking for something to sink my teeth into

    First really memorable RP (one that I'm not ashamed to look back on and cringe at my writing) would have been some RhyDin based chaos, back in 2003, men in black style syndicate business with AIs because... why not? Favourite fruit - peaches! Nice to see another European, too! Thank you, and...
  2. Kasimir

    Whose Your Favourite Fictional Character?

    Dalinar Kholin from Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archives - A tyrant warmonger turned world's best hope at holding things together. Mingan from Elizabeth Bear's Edda of Burdens Cycle - a real wolf amongst men. Marius from Anne Rice's vampire chronicles, the voice of reason.
  3. Kasimir

    New User Looking for something to sink my teeth into

    And by something to sink my teeth into, I mean complex storylines, characters with depth and the capacity to make me care, and some decent prose would be the icing on the cake. I'm a 38 year old, UK based writer with 20 years of RP under the proverbial belt, and I'd love to find someone to...