Recent content by Mysteerious

  1. Mysteerious

    Requiem - OOC

    I'm ready mah bois.
  2. Mysteerious

    Characters & Relationships

    'Sair' Avery Schrödinger Age: 32 Race: Human - Mageborn hybrid Gender: Unknown - they/them/theirs for pronouns, Sair for formal title Sexuality: Gynephile Appearance: Avery is 5"6 tall, fair skin, androgynous body, with a green-ish brown shade of eyes and medium-length hazel hair with...
  3. Mysteerious

    What would the Avatar above you say?

    I stand in the relentless drizzling rain, for my edge compels me.
  4. Mysteerious

    What would the Avatar above you say?

    *Yawns* Say whaaat
  5. Mysteerious

    What would the Avatar above you say?

    Pink is power.
  6. Mysteerious

    The worst genie ever

    Granted, you became a megalomaniac. I wish I could stop procrastination.
  7. Mysteerious

    If your life was a movie, what would the title be?

    Despair Event Horizon.
  8. Mysteerious

    Count to 50 before a staff member

  9. Mysteerious

    Step aside the path of life and gaze in awe at its ephemerality.

    Step aside the path of life and gaze in awe at its ephemerality.
  10. Mysteerious

    Damn it Evrin

    Damn it Evrin
  11. Mysteerious

    Music Share: What's Playing?

    Imagine Dragons is back with a lovely new song.
  12. Mysteerious

    Three Word Story

    A salty McChicken.
  13. Mysteerious

    Male vs Females War Zone 2

  14. Mysteerious

    The worst genie ever

    Granted, you and your consciousness has been expunged from existence without a trace. I wish to see the Flying Spaghetti Monster
  15. Mysteerious

    Don't mind me, just waiting to be verified.

    Don't mind me, just waiting to be verified.