Recent content by Midnight Melody

  1. Midnight Melody

    Character Personality - when is it too much

    I was sitting here thinking when I suddenly started wondering when people think a character is considered too rude, too childish, too aggressive, too sweet, too energetic and so on and on? when do you think is a character just too much of something?
  2. Midnight Melody

    Royalty/Historical RPs

    I have never tried historical before so I really couldn't tell but I did try one that was happening in a fantasy world where the characters were immortals from four different empires (the four elements) and the main characters were either the empires ruling family or their protectors. It was...
  3. Midnight Melody

    Favourite characters to play?

    hmm, thats a good question. My tastes tend to change depending on the character I create. but most of the time its someone that can be a bit explosive, loud and acts different then he/she looks, for example, a boy next door type that curses a lot and gets into fights or a gang looking guy that...
  4. Midnight Melody

    Lack Of Imaginetion

    when I hit a wall I usually research the type or person the character is. Yeah, i overdo things sometimes and actually google up a list of media on the type of person my character should be so I can study their behavior, things they say and do etc... I know once I wanted to make a character that...
  5. Midnight Melody

    Trouble Naming Things

    Okay, i have a somewhat odd way of naming things unless they just pop into my head of course. I close my eyes and imagine everything about the character. how he/she looks, what they act like, what they like dislike, how they live or lived and so on. basically, I imagine they were alive and...
  6. Midnight Melody

    How do you create your characters (process...)

    I know everyone has their way of creating a character, what is yours? I think writing it here might help some people :) I have all sorts of notes and lists that I created to help me make up a character. I usually get inspired by tv series, books, video spots, my dreams hell sometimes even by...
  7. Midnight Melody

    Whats your favorite movie characters

    Sebastian from the Kuroshitsuji movie :) I love the guy <3 :3
  8. Midnight Melody

    Tips for better RPing

    Do you have any tips for others on how to make the best of your RP experience? What to avoid, what you should do? tips about character creation and so on and on, anything you can think of. Let's help each other :) I'm sure this could help those that are new to RPing.
  9. Midnight Melody

    What do you want to avoid during a RP?

    I hate when someone makes their character all powerful. It makes the whole thing just bad. I mean whats the fun if there isn't any challenge at all? Then there is the one line thing. OK, I get it sometimes the story comes to a point where one line just fits better than six or however many but...
  10. Midnight Melody

    Getting to know eachother better

    I sometimes while we talk with friends about a topic suddenly blurt out a totally unrelated fact that is nowhere near the same topic because I don't want to forget it while they go on about something...
  11. Midnight Melody

    What Would You Call the Land of the Faeries?

    Mysthica maybe, or simply Otherrealm, Oberia, Tweenside, Felia,... I'm not that good with coming up with names for places :)
  12. Midnight Melody

    Favorite Childhood TV Shows/Cartoons

    Darkwing duck, the villain Negaduck was my first love xD :)
  13. Midnight Melody

    What's Everybody Been Reading?

    I am reading the Cal Leandros series from Rob Thurman for what has to be the hundredth time. I love the books so much I bought them and they are already falling apart in some places from reading then so many times : ) I highly recommend it. its action-filled, the characters rock and are written...
  14. Midnight Melody

    Are you new here?

    Hey! I am new here :) Please take good care of me (ok maybe it loses something in the translation) :D
  15. Midnight Melody

    I is bored and in need of Cuddles. Hewp.

    Many cuddles and a smile to cheer up your day :D