Recent content by Red Queen

  1. Red Queen

    New User An Introduction of Sorts

    Thank you to both of you!
  2. Red Queen

    Disoriented and New.

    Disoriented and New.
  3. Red Queen

    Any book recomendations for a long flight?

    Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones are both loooong, tried and true fantasy stories that I love. If you're into a darker, grittier fantasy genre, Stephen King's Dark Tower Series is one you can't go wrong with. For mysteries, Patricia Cornwell is a personal favorite author of mine. If you...
  4. Red Queen

    New User An Introduction of Sorts

    Well, here I am, a brand new member to this site, but hardly a new role player. I am absolutely terrible at introducing myself anywhere, in real life, on the web, to a stray dog - Introductions tend to begin and end in a string of incoherent babble. But here is an attempt, even if it is a bit...