Recent content by Squeak

  1. Squeak

    We the Unwanted We the Unwanted

    Thanos Georgiou (Castle Training Grounds, Andaris, Helies) The letter was written on thick, dappled parchment and he already knew who it had come from. Hello cousin, This is the sixth letter I’ve sent since you last responded. Knowing that you still receive them, I’ll keep writing...
  2. Squeak

    We the Unwanted We the Unwanted

    Thanos Georgiou (Castle Training Grounds, Andaris, Helies) “Again.” Thanos reiterated, arms crossed and only mildly strained from their morning run. Practice had stretched from the early hours of the morning to a few hours past sunrise, and the heat of the sunrays against his...
  3. Squeak

    We the Unwanted We the Unwanted

    Thanos Georgiou (Castle Guardhouse, Andaris, Helies) The heavy thud of armor against wood inches from his head started Thanos from his deep sleep and nearly out of his chair. Blearily, he grasped the hilt of his sword, reactions still dulled from the drink and the early morning hour...
  4. Squeak

    We the Unwanted We the Unwanted

    Thanos Georgiou (Castle Guardhouse, Andaris, Helies) The Commander of Archers eyed him quietly. "You're young yet. Orders are orders. Our duty isn't to question why, but to deliver them and train the recruits in a way that the mission is completed." He set the bottle down, out of reach. Thanos...
  5. Squeak

    We the Unwanted We the Unwanted

    Thanos Georgiou (Castle Guardhouse, Andaris, Helies Province) The guardhouse was empty, quiet except the crackling of the fire and the movements of the solemn company meeting within. Thanos leaned heavily against the stone wall, staring sightlessly at the fireplace with his feet propped up on...
  6. Squeak

    We the Unwanted We the Unwanted

    Thanos Georgiou (Andaris, Helies Province) Thanos dismounted from his dappled mare with a weary side, taking her reins as he shouldered a clinking canvas bag. He had hoped a ride through the peace and quiet of the forests surrounding the Capitol would clear his mind and heart, but his temples...
  7. Squeak

    Squeak's Character Stuff

    Name: Thanos Georgiou Gender, Age: Male, 24 Role (Family): King’s Guard (Andelorn), but he’s originally from a major trading seaside port in Rollon. Appearance and Personality: Thanos normally has a warm brown complexion that darkens to a deep mahogany when he’s out in the...
  8. Squeak

    New User What did I just join?

    hey there! I'm another relatively new user! mssg me if you have questions and we can be confused together. :D
  9. Squeak

    Squeak's Character Stuff

    Name: Rhea Georgiou – Female, 21 – Luin (Rollo) but friendly to Guardians and knows a lot of their lore. Role (Family): NPCs maybe eventual Characters: Rouvin Georgiou – Male, 8 – Luin (Rollo) Milos Georgiou – Male, 44 – Luin (Rollo) Daniela Georgiou – Female, 46 – Luin (Rollo)...
  10. Squeak

    What's Your Major... ?

    classic biology ba on premed track ^^ looking at grad school in public health for funsies
  11. Squeak

    New as a Shiny Penny

    a little bit of everything. I did a camp for superheroes one, a zombie apocalypse one. We the Unwanted really caught my eye on the main page which is how i ended up here.
  12. Squeak

    New as a Shiny Penny

    it's funny cause i had most of my character drafted before i thought to make an account
  13. Squeak

    New as a Shiny Penny

    Ok not actually a shiny penny, but mostly? I used to rp on before moving over to AO3 and kinda left it behind. I was going through my old rp threads and just. really wanted to try again. so here i am, after literally googling "roleplay sites". Thought i'd say hi and see if anyone...
  14. Squeak

    What was your first role-playing experience?

    me too! The last time I rp'd anywhere was on like 6 years ago and i just stumbled across this site and an interesting thread and thought id give it a go? prob a bad idea with a new semester around the corner but when have i ever made good decisions
  15. Squeak


    1) What's your favorite idea? That humanity has the possibility to be both great and terrible all at once. 2) Do you like waffles? Do ya like pancakes? yes. and yes. 3) Did the egg or the chicken come first? we may never know... 4) On a scale of one to ten (awful to amaze) how impressed are you...