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  1. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    Gregori At first, the off-branch giant wasn't quite sure what to make of being summoned to the Headmistress' office this early in the day, especially considering that other than some not-so-permitted leaving of the grounds, he hadn't done anything. On his way out of the Specialization...
  2. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Chestnut Hill

    Charles would lead the young Zoia towards the roses first, ever the gentlemen and always eager to show off his pride and joys. "Animals are fine by me as long as you keep them out of the plants and out of the back office. The storefront, the show room, the workshop, and the storage room are all...
  3. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    Nito While outside, Nito had undone a few of the buttons on his jacket, and taken his hair out of its spiral braid. Even he, a young man of noble blood, could only stand to peacock so much before wanting to returning to his more comfortable state. Still, he'd do his best to make sure all of his...
  4. CaerBear

    Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived The Isle of Saint Maria

    The building rage at constantly being outpaced and outmaneuvered only drove Nox to do better. Every attack would come faster, more precise. His steps were no longer a wild charge, but slowly following a rhythm, a stance, a long neglected but even longer practiced martial dance. For the first...
  5. CaerBear

    Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Lutetia City: Saint Lemeux

    Without a second's hesitation, Harik would launch himself in front of the magic aimed for Aurelie, calling forth a wall of frigid flame to shed its light and encircle their little band. He could only hope that the flickering blue fire would ward off the shadows, at least enough for them to...
  6. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    Nito The cyromancer let his lover drag him wherever it is she wanted to go. Pictures, snacks, dancing, the works. It was completely worth it. Every single second of the socialization, the wasted practice hours, all of it. Eva was stunning, more beautiful than he had ever seen her, more than...
  7. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Chestnut Hill

    Before replying in any manner, Charles would take a look at the resume. The flower shop owner had a habit of standing too close to people when conversation happened, and now was no exception, barely giving Zoia a foot of space between the two of them. The resume needed some work. It was sloppy...
  8. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Chestnut Hill

    Charlie had heard someone come into the store from the back room. He had been elbow deep in several arrangements he'd been throwing together, both the paperwork kind and the flower kind. This week had been very...very...relaxing. Lots of orders. Lots of work. Lots of fresh supplies. Nothing but...
  9. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    Nito After parting ways with Eva, Nito would go up to his room to study, only for an hour or so. He’d take great care in his appearance, as he had on their trip to Banff together. His hair would be washed, oiled, brushed, and tied back into a braid that ending just past the small of his back...
  10. CaerBear

    Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Lutetia City: Saint Lemeux

    ...police station and unleash every ounce of frustration and anger that had been boiling up inside him since the night before. Since running into *him* again...and almost killing him... It was a thought that had to be cleared from his mind. He couldn't keep secrets from his Uncle, and he...
  11. CaerBear

    Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived The Isle of Saint Maria

    The Caer had almost been in lunging range of the red-eyed man when two more rounds of ammunition ripped into his flesh. The first shattered his cheekbone before ricocheting out the back of his throat, and the second just punched a deep hole through what used to be his right ear and his scalp...
  12. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem OOC - Character Sheets

    Name: Charles Koschei Age: 27 Appearance: Gift: Wind, focused on sharp, focused gusts rather than long, sustained breezes. Also practices a cruel form of magic he keeps a secret... Occupation: Owns a florist shop, and a grow house / warehouse / industrial greenhouse Setting: Pennsylvania
  13. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem OOC - Character Sheets

    Name: Frederick Odeal Age: 23 Appearance: Gift: Fauna (favors reptiles, fish, and birds), Dark Magic-Mind Control Occupation: Traveling, currently unemployed, independently well off but not wealthy. Setting: Pennsylvania
  14. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    Nito "...I have to go. I can't say much more than that unfortunately, but I have to go." Maybe Nito had been the type to keep every secret he could when they had first met, but since they'd started dating, that really wasn't his modus operandi anymore. The fact that he felt so tight lipped...
  15. CaerBear

    Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived The Isle of Saint Maria

    Avacyn, I'll be there soon...Just hold out a little longer for your brother... The swirling maelstrom that Nox had internalized began to bleed back out into the world, first a trickle, then a splash, before unleashing itself in a torrent of despair and hunger and malevolent cold. If there was...
  16. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    Gregori The weeks had been mostly kind to Gregori. With his confession to Andalyn, her reciprocation, the realization that his grades weren't plummeting as bad as he thought they were (though he was still currently failing his Taxes course), combined with the fact that finally, somehow, he was...
  17. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    Nito listened to Jera blather on about mice and comfort and love and other such trivial notions that an animal that small minded could never properly express without magical influence, and soon began to find himself loosing whatever semblance of patience he might have possessed. "Its...
  18. CaerBear

    Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived The Isle of Saint Maria

    The rabid Caeruleum didn't seem to register the complaints of his associates until it was too late. Even if the others heard the Inquisitors coming, Nox did not. He had not felt Zanzibar's touch, nor come to realize how close hostile creatures had drawn. It was only when the sound of rifle's...
  19. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    Jera would find the eyes staring back at her to far colder than any look she might've thrown his way. If her gaze had been ice, than Nito's were winter personified, a shimmering cascade of impossible blues and so completely indifferent, impassive, and uninterested it bordered on insulting. Or it...
  20. CaerBear

    Vitam et Mortem IC - Altsoba School of Sorcery

    It wasn't that Nito hated rodents. He was intelligent enough to realize that every animal served its own unique purpose in the grand scheme of nature. Just because he practiced a field of magic that was, for lack of a better word, the antithesis of life and warmth, it did not mean that he was a...