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  1. Minerva


  2. Minerva


  3. Minerva

    1x1 Mare Claustrum

    The touch of her palm would cause what looked like branches of a tree or veins appear on the fresco. They appeared to surround the blank shields with a sickly yellow glow.
  4. Minerva

    1x1 Beneath the Sands

    "I've only heard legends of these creatures." Shao Jun said, kicking off the body of the one on her cloak. She then used it to wipe off the blade before resheathing it. "Hungry Ghosts, we called them." She paused. "I thank you for your help. I allowed overconfidence to get the best of me."...
  5. Minerva

    1x1 Beneath the Sands

    Shao immediately pulled her blade out, and twirled, kicking her shoe-blade upwards into the beast she had stabbed. She shouted something in Chinese, intent on rallying her strength as she kicked upwards. The other creature grabbed her cloak from the back, leaving claw marks in it.
  6. Minerva

    1x1 Mare Claustrum

    Upon reaching down and grabbing the compass, it wouldn't budge. However, Misty would feel a burning sensation in her hand. If she looked at her hand following that, a sign would be branded on her palm. Upon witnessing it, a dull hum would appear in the back of her mind for a split second...
  7. Minerva

    Illusion Looking Glass

    @Lucky @Ver @Hallway "Ah, the old Lovecraft Character special." She said, regarding the comment about House of Leaves. "Go mad at the revelation, shout 'The Horror, the Horror!' and it's goodnight Sweet Prince." She said, "Shame, Carter, it's nice to read a bit. Well, let me know if you want...
  8. Minerva

    Side Story RAD!

    @Ver @Takumi "Then I would like to meet him. Perhaps he might know. Speaking to him noble-to-noble." She remarked in regards to the mayor. "You do not have to come if he makes you uncomfortable." "Ireena. Ireena Kolyana, daughter of Kolyan Indirovich, Burgomaster of Barovia." She said...
  9. Minerva

    Illusion Looking Glass

    @Lucky @Ver @Capri @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Crunch "Non-Euclidean Architecture, and hallways that weren't there before, huh? So you're saying this is like House of Leaves?" Morgan mused towards Isaac. "So, uh, speaking of House of Leaves, anyone read anything good lately?" Morgan asked during...
  10. Minerva

    Side Story RAD!

    @Ver @Takumi @Jeremi The young woman would look up. Her face was awash with horror "If... If it is Dark Magic, then it's just like back home in Barovia..." She said quietly. "Before my father died, wolves... would attack the doors of our house, every night for a week. They suddenly stopped...
  11. Minerva

    1x1 Beneath the Sands

    "E-Gui..." She muttered when she saw the manner of beasts. "The Hungry Ogres... Explains why the food didn't get there..." She placed her hand on the sword's hilt, and began scrambling into some of the rubble, peeking out from under her hood to block the sunlight, and scrambling into one of the...
  12. Minerva

    1x1 Mare Claustrum

    Nothing would move on the Fresco itself, however, Misty would find that the shields as well as the symbol in the middle of the Compass and Ruler all protruded from the wall and were made of smooth marble. They were finely carved, with small details such as flowers. The star was also protruding...
  13. Minerva

    Illusion Looking Glass

    @Ver @Lucky @Capri @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee The voices continued, driving their way into Morgan's head, similar to the Phantoms. "They could be anything, anyone!" Echoed in Morgan's head, her mind flashed back to the lobby of Talos One and the Art Deco aesthetics. She was dizzy for a second...
  14. Minerva

    “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to...

    “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.” — Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
  15. Minerva

    Side Story RAD!

    "I... I don't think he did this." Ireena said, stepping back into the room again. She analyzed the books on the shelf, and quietly looked around the room itself. "This was clearly the work of something... not human. I-I should know because it's somewhat reminiscent of what happens in...
  16. Minerva

    Illusion Looking Glass

    "Jeeeesus." Morgan would wince at not one, but two, loud screams nearby, one from Erin in the same room. She looked down at the ground and mumbled something. "As Shakespeare once wrote: 'There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'" She said...
  17. Minerva

    1x1 Mare Claustrum

    There would be a loud crack and then an echoing ting ting ting as something metal fell on the floor. In her hands, Misty would hear gears begin to turn, and feel the box begin to vibrate as what looked like a small spotlight came out of the top of it. It began to hum and a red light began to...
  18. Minerva

    1x1 Beneath the Sands

    The trek across the desert was long and hot. Shao Jun was tired by the time they reached the destination, sweat beading down her usually clear face. When she saw where the carnage was laid out, she regained her motivation and energy. It was brutal, worse than a raid by Templar soldiers. They...
  19. Minerva

    Side Story RAD!

    The smell didn't faze Ireena at all. Coming from Barovia, poungent smells of death were common. She peered inside. "Do you guys need he-?" She asked, stepping in. It was almost as if something, or someone, had exploded, covering the office in blood. "lp..." Her face grew dour and dark and she...
  20. Minerva

    Side Story RAD!

    Ireena looked down the dark hallway past the group. "I'll... stay out here and keep watch in case someone else objects to our work here." She said, a slight uneasiness in her voice. "Just in case something happens." She put her hand on the sword. She shook her head. "I'm sorry to leave you...