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  1. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "Have you got it, yet?" Xander asked Alec. "Ba said to head back." "Almost." Alec used a stick to tap the phone slowly sideways. "Got it!" He held up his phone triumphantly. "Nice. Let's get going," Xander said. Alec carefully put his phone in his pocket, and the pair headed back to the...
  2. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    The twins spent their hours exploring the town from one side to the other, finding all the games and curious sites to see. Xander climbed all the random areas, and Alec nearly got stuck in a fun house until Xander got him out. They found a few random snack shacks and treated themselves, but...
  3. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    The next morning, the twins rose and dressed. No more were they spending half the day in their pajamas! They ate a fast little breakfast, made certain they were coated in sunscreen, and then headed out for the day. Alec was so excited he barely remembered to give Daizi a hug goodbye. They...
  4. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "Oh, that's right!" Alec said, brightening, and ran to get clean after Xander. The twins had picked a seafood restaurant and got lobster and crab, which they picked over curiously. It took them a while to figure out how to eat them, and they were surprised to discover they didn't love lobster...
  5. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "I call first dibs on the shower," Xander said, heading that way. "You can go before me, Mama," Alec offered. He went to hang up the towels and then sat on the floor so he wouldn't get the furniture dirty. It looked like furniture that had been designed to get dirty, but he didn't want make...
  6. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander came over to help Alec, and between the pair of them, they quickly had the towels shaken out and folded up and all the assorted stuff picked up. Xander started letting the air out of the swan floaty thing but stopped and stared into its beaked face. "This feels weird," he finally said...
  7. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "Absolutely!" Alec agreed eagerly and trotted ahead of them. "Mama! I'm coming to help clean up! Want me to shake out the blankets?" "I'mma touch your hair," Xander grumbled under his breath as he stalked toward the towels.
  8. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "They don't?"Alec asked, slowly relaxing. "Oh, that's good." Xander huffed and let go of his brother's arm. "It still could have been worse," he grumbled, fighting down the embarrassment.
  9. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    The twins dissolved into a brief moment of blather before Xander caught on. He grabbed Alec's arm to quiet him and glared at Dark suspiciously. "It weren't no pet shop goldfish," he stated. "And we couldn't see it well. How do you know it wasn't a sea snake?" "Sea snakes are more deadly...
  10. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "There's something in the water!" blurted both panicked boys, not yet registering Dark's amusement. Their words tumbled over each other as they tried to tell their father what had happened. "It was slimy!" "It rubbed on my leg!" "It was on my leg, too!" "It was HUGE!!" "It was trying to...
  11. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander let out a yell that, if asked later, he would say was much lower on the register than it actually was. He nearly fell over, but Alec caught him, pulling him upright, and nearly fell over, himself. They both started yelling and flailing, trying not to fall over. They turned and dashed...
  12. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Alec leaped straight up in the air with a squeal and splashed down awkwardly. He missed his footing and went under completely. Xander grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him up. His head came up and he coughed and spluttered frantically. "What happened? Did you step on something? Are you...
  13. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "That was certainly an interesting event to watch," Alec said in amusement. "We were beginning to think Ba had turned into a boat." Xander snickered. "He'd make a pretty decent boat. It's possible two whole people could fit there." Alec rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm sure. Want to do one more...
  14. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    The twins eventually realized they needed more sunscreen, and they were getting tired, too, so after a bit of playing fence for Ivy and a few more dives into the waves, they headed in for shore and flopped out to dry on their towels. They had discovered a new love: Ocean waves!
  15. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander noticed Dark and Daizi flirting and rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. Instead, he started digging holes in the sand under the water and trying to find seashells. Alec started to copy him, but he finally spotted the girls as they were walking away. He stared as he walked and...
  16. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander waited until he felt he had regained his dignity, then he followed Dark and Daizi into the ocean. Alec greeted him with a splash, which he returned, but the pair of them kept things tame since Ivy was right there. They took turns splashing around and entertaining her as well as each...
  17. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander snickered and told Daizi, "I think you're allowed to make one joke like that every six months, so there's your joke for the next few months." When Dark mentioned getting his hair wet, Xander said, "I think I'd rather dunk my own head in the sand." Alec flopped into the water wallowing...
  18. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander leaned closer and whispered to Daizi, "Beige A** B**ch. The women who refuse to even allow their kids to have colorful toys because it ruins the look." "Nice! I'll meet you there!" Alec chirped and dashed into the waves as fast as possible. "Weirdo," Xander said almost affectionately.
  19. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "She was too busy looking at the cosmetics to see the real deal," Alec said then leaned over to kiss Ivy and nuzzle her playfully. Xander turned and shaded his eyes to look toward the mom and Rich's area. "Looks like we got another case of the BABs, but they've moved over." Alec looked as...
  20. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Alec and Xander came over, and Alec flopped down on his beach towel, which was bright blue with dozens of multi-colored starfish all over it. Xander sat down on his straight black blanket and crossed his legs. "That must have been a fun conversation," Alec grinned. "Why would he think you'd...