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  1. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "That sounds disgusting," Xander said, making a face. He had no idea what kombucha was, but it didn't sound like anything he wanted to taste. "Never mind, let's just head on, yeah?" ~~ "Well, if your ancient knees can hold up, I did see this cute little cozy place yesterday while Xander and...
  2. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "Only if you want to. I thought you might like the music," Xander shrugged. "It was just on the way." He started walking again. "What was up with that finger tattoo, anyway?" ~~ Alec laughed and tried to straighten his hair. "That was surely closer to twenty, and a lot can happen in...
  3. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "I'm not sure, I think the second, but it might be the first," Xander reported. "Has a hint of hippie to the hipster, I can tell you that. Smell the incense?" ~~ Alec giggled. "I didn't think you'd remember! And besides, those nail polish fumes are intense. You can forget all kinds of...
  4. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "True, 'cause I'm not sure how we'd be able to move him if we had to," Xander remarked. "We need a rolling chair or something in case he hurts his leg or something." He slowed and remarked, "This store we're passing is a music place. It's very... hipster, I guess." ~~ "Say," Alec said...
  5. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "Nice," Xander grinned. He looked around and then tapped Daizi's arm lightly. "Turn this way. There's a tiny shop that's barely bigger than a hole in the wall. They do sodas and ice creams. I spotted it yesterday when Alec and I were exploring." After a steps, he asked, "So, are you going...
  6. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander snickered at the idea of the four of them playing chicken. "I dunno about chicken, but we could maybe do skydiving, I guess. I don't see Alec agreeing to that. If he did agree to go up, they'd have to kick him out of the plane. I'd go, though." He glanced around. "Want to grab some...
  7. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "That's true, it might have been," Xander snickered. He looked away as Daizi adjusted her top and turned his attention to watching the next group get on. "I think I found my new favorite sometimes sport. How about you?" ~~ Alec didn't even notice the looks. He was having fun chatting with...
  8. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "Hey, I didn't sign up to be fish bait!" Xander complained when his legs hit the water, but he was still grinning. That was the best time ever! He was still grinning by the time they reached the shore, and he guided Diazi to where they needed to stand out of the way and remove their life...
  9. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Daizi's cheering spurred Xander on, and he yelled it again with her, loving every second. This was the most fun he'd ever had with Daizi! Possibly with either parent ever, but especially Daizi. Although horse ride came in at a close second. ~~ "Could you do some nail art? Something...
  10. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "Totally one of the people he saves, except I hope we don't get dropped and caught again. I always thought that looked really painful," Xander said. He kept his eyes closed and waved his hands in the air. "Freeeeeeeedom!" ~~ "Absolutely. Walla, indeed!" Alec snickered. He turned to watch...
  11. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander laughed. "We are flying!" He did close his eyes as asked. "Oh, wow, this is even better! This is awesome! Awesome!" He didn't have any other words. He was practically as giddy as Alec. ~~ "Did you really just play the 'English isn't my native language' card?" Alec giggled, trying...
  12. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander saw what Daizi was doing and hesitated. Then he took a deep breath and let go, flinging his arms out. It was terrifying! Yet thrilling and freeing! "This is awesome!" Xander yelled. ~~ "Oh, I see. That's, um, that's very nice," the woman said uncertainly. "Well, I should let you...
  13. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander, for his part, hid a smirk as the operator helped Daizi, knowing she didn't need it that much. At least it was over an actual safety issue instead of something stupid. He got himself bucked and found a safe place to grip as the boat accelerated. He gasped audibly when they jerked up un...
  14. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "It's like 'normal size' completely doesn't exist anymore, but I can't figure out what the size and body shape is supposed to be. The pants I had were the same brand and everything, and they don't stretch that much, so I don't get it," Xander grumbled. "Alec fits better because he has less...
  15. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "Nice," Xander told her, low-key impressed. "'Cept now men's pockets are shrinking now, too. Heck, men's pants are shrinking. Last time I went pant shopping, I got the same size I always do, and I couldn't get them over my thighs. I checked my comfiest fitting pants before i left the house...
  16. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    "I don't scream. Ever," Xander sniffed, conveniently forgetting about the fish from the night before, "and certainly not because of a bit of height and wind. I'll be fine. Oh, but they might not let you keep your sunglasses. If they fall, they're gone. Do you have a pocket for them?" ~~...
  17. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander immediately hated his life jacket for the way it rode up around his ears no matter how many times he tugged it down, but there was no getting out of wearing one. Finally, he got it situated properly so it wasn't tickling his earlobes and settled down to wait. He watched the current...
  18. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander felt Daizi's hand on his back and tensed. His instinct was for a much stronger reaction, and even a few months ago he would have followed that instinct, but he'd been fighting hard to at least tolerate some touch. It still didn't feel good. It still felt like an electrode being shoved...
  19. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander carefully touched Daizi's forearm with just his fingertips when they were around more people, guiding her out of the way of kids or people carrying beach supplies since neither group were known for paying attention. As it was, he nearly got nailed in the head with an ocean kayak. The...
  20. BookKnight

    How Green Becomes Wood

    Xander had already switched into his black swim trunks and a long-sleeved red shirt. He didn't have to worry about his hair, and he was in the middle of trying to get his water shoes on. "Ready," he assured her. "Let's go try not to die out on the water." ~~~ "I think I'll go with this blue...