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  1. missgalaxythoughts

    Breath of The Wild has my heart.

    Breath of The Wild has my heart.
  2. missgalaxythoughts

    Boys are so much workkkk.

    Boys are so much workkkk.
  3. missgalaxythoughts

    Selfies but Self Portraits

    Feb. 24, 2017 1:29 A. M. Oct. 8, 2016 3:22 P. M.
  4. missgalaxythoughts

    Y A L L I HAVE A LIVESTREAM ON INSTAGRAM @missgalaxydreams

    Y A L L I HAVE A LIVESTREAM ON INSTAGRAM @missgalaxydreams
  5. missgalaxythoughts

    New profile picture, who dis?

    New profile picture, who dis?
  6. missgalaxythoughts

    Tfw when you need a new sketchbook but you have exactly 0 dollars and 0 cents

    Tfw when you need a new sketchbook but you have exactly 0 dollars and 0 cents
  7. missgalaxythoughts

    All I wanna do is get high by the beach || Yikes

    When you haven't done in like a week and your latest drawing is just jinkies
  8. missgalaxythoughts

    Where's my boyfriend? :^)))

    Where's my boyfriend? :^)))
  9. missgalaxythoughts

    Mucho Gracias Fam! ❤

    Mucho Gracias Fam! ❤
  10. missgalaxythoughts


  11. missgalaxythoughts

    When you have four tests tomorrow and honestly you just want peace in your life.

    When you have four tests tomorrow and honestly you just want peace in your life.
  12. missgalaxythoughts

    I'm so late, but happy Valentine's Day to allllll!

    I'm so late, but happy Valentine's Day to allllll!
  13. missgalaxythoughts

    New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

    @Kiowa In PM would be better to talk about stuff, don't you think?
  14. missgalaxythoughts

    New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

    @Kiowa Just talking to you makes life suck less. You're one of the people that made me even remotely happy this week.
  15. missgalaxythoughts

    New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

    @Kiowa I'm just mostly stressed and this guy I know is being vv not nice. Life just sucks for me rn
  16. missgalaxythoughts

    New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

    @Kiowa Plus traffic succs and honestly rn I'm not the most stable person to be around and honestly I might break down at some point.
  17. missgalaxythoughts

    New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

    @Kiowa Sorry, mister, I have to stay all alone in my apartment. Maybe one day in your dreams, we'll meet.
  18. missgalaxythoughts

    New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

    @Kiowa You're so great, my friend. Can't say I would turn one down either tbh.
  19. missgalaxythoughts

    New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

    @Kiowa If that's what you're gonna do I can't stop you. A little suck could give you loads of fun, though.
  20. missgalaxythoughts

    New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

    @Kiowa But if you start drinking now, right? Won't that suck in the morning if you're running? Or in general? Bc what if it's a really bad hangover, lights hurt, uh bad headache, nausea, etc.