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  1. KazMartell

    New User Salutations, Folks

    Haha, greetings with enthusiasm, mate! Planets destroyed, hm... not that many. I tend to be more of a miner than destroyer when it comes to planetary conquest! I have lost many Brothas in arms. Like a few dozen at least, though only a couple were literally in my arms. Pluto is a planet..oid...
  2. KazMartell

    [Interest Check][Sci-Fi] Iron Caskets: Of Corporations and War

    Hello everyone. I would like to see who all is interested in a science fiction game about war and corporate politics! I'll outline the background for the plot, the mechanics, and what I'd expect from the players/what they can expect from me here. Questions are welcome on any of the points...
  3. KazMartell

    What was your first role-playing experience?

    Back in my day, -- I started roleplaying on Starcraft's online network. It wasn't the best tool for it, on account of the limited typing space and difficulty to set up everything on a map (started off using those visually), but it got me into some nice circles that fed my imagination for a...
  4. KazMartell

    Voice claims?

    I usually voice my characters, but then I tend to do a bunch of different voices.
  5. KazMartell

    New User Salutations, Folks

    Thanks for the welcome, folks! I'll be throwing information around once I get all verified and whatnot.
  6. KazMartell

    What's your favourite artsy game?

    I was gonna say Journey, but someone else got to it first! It really is a beautiful game, for something taking place largely in a wasteland.
  7. KazMartell

    New User Salutations, Folks

    Hey there everybody. I go by Kaz Martell, generally speaking these days. I'm a veteran GM and Roleplayer, been doing it for about twelve years now. I'm poking about on the internet in search of players for a specific game that I've got a system for! It's a sci-fi setting and I'll be throwing...