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  1. Vermilion

    If your life was a movie, what would the title be?

    Dazed and Confusing.
  2. Vermilion


    It's funny to see this post here. About a million years ago I rp'd on AOL. The chats would let you roll dice with a command. Our community was mainly role playing with D&D influence.
  3. Vermilion

    What's Your Major... ?

    I'm currently getting a Masters in Instructional Technology. Before that I was into Art (still am) and I have a degree in Studio Art. =)
  4. Vermilion

    Greetings fellow players.

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I played a lot of fantasy style back in the day kinda DD inspired. Later, I got into more stuff and then everyone was gone. It would be nice to have some of that camaraderie back. Vermilion
  5. Vermilion

    Greetings fellow players.

    I guess I'll start by saying that I played many moons ago on AOL. It was chat based and I had a great time. I'm in a mood lately that I'm thinking about all the things that made/make me happy and telling stories with others is one of those things. So, I did a search and ended up here. I'm...