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  1. Lady of the Lake

    Battle Royale: Taiwan [IC]

    Chen Shu-ling Shu-ling smiled a thanks as she turned back around. She listened to the chatter of the other students, but couldn't bring herself to say much of anything else. She had the theories, but she prayed that they were wrong. She watched how the adults were conducting themselves...
  2. Lady of the Lake

    Battle Royale: Taiwan [IC]

    Chen Shu-ling Shu-Ling stared at Asher for a moment. Was that what people were still thinking this was? A simple field trip? Perhaps they were right, and that was all that it was. She should really calm down, but nothing seemed to be working. "Hey Xia, I haven't seem you in a bit"...
  3. Lady of the Lake

    Battle Royale: Taiwan [IC]

    Chen Shu-ling Shu-ling was still mentally trying to calm down. Still mentally trying to process everything. She didn't even realize who she has sat next to. She probably would have sat next to Xia or any other of her good friends in class if she was paying attention. Wait, so what if this...
  4. Lady of the Lake

    Battle Royale: Taiwan [IC]

    Chen Shu-ling Shu-ling had woken up a little earlier this morning, before the sun was even up. She had been exhausted from the night before, the week had been full, and crammies last night had run over. Part of her didn’t want to attend more school after normal school was over, but her parents...
  5. Lady of the Lake

    No Escape

    Claire was slightly surprised by Evan's quick reappearance, and even more surprised that the guy he left with wasn't with him. He went after the scream alone? That didn't seem like a good idea at all. She started to wonder about the intelligence of this group... She silently agreed with...
  6. Lady of the Lake

    No Escape

    "Strange" Claire muttered to herself, but didn't think much more of the people wandering outside. They're probably just out to fix whatever is wrong. she reassured herself, thinking hopefully. No reason to get any more worked up about anything. Personally, she was emotionally exhausted...
  7. Lady of the Lake

    No Escape

    Claire followed Evan back to the room, his chatting helping as they made their way over. She gave a small smile to his story, though little of it made sense, and a quiet "No, you're fine" to his apology as they headed the rest of the way on silence. She glanced back in the direction of her...
  8. Lady of the Lake

    No Escape

    Claire was taken aback by his directness, but also her forgetfulness. "Sorry" she quietly stammered, "yeah, my name is Claire... But you already knew that? I feel like I recognize you guys from somewhere, like a class or something?" She paused trying to rack her brain for details of the other...
  9. Lady of the Lake

    No Escape

    Claire couldn't see much of the boy that had approached her, but she was touched by the compassion shown just by his reaction. Claire was slightly startled by the interuption, and tried to straighten up a bit and look a little more put together now, not liking the idea of feeling pathetic and...
  10. Lady of the Lake

    No Escape

    Claire heard footsteps and saw a light gradually getting lighter. Crap, she had drawn attention to herself. Now the nurses will make sure that she leaves for good. Part of her wanted to stay till the power comes back on. Power on means her grandpa has a more guaranteed and stable life source...
  11. Lady of the Lake

    No Escape

    Claire managed to find her grandfather's room in the dark, but just barely. Her eyes were adjusting slowly, though she still wouldn't have seen much with the amount of tears welling up in her eyes. Her stumbled into the room to find a couple of the nurses around her grandfather's bed, one...
  12. Lady of the Lake

    No Escape

    Claire was grateful that dance was canceled tonight, that way she was able to visit Grandpa. She wished that she could visit more, but she was so busy. Yet at the same time, he was getting weaker. The stroke had left him weak and with ventilator to assist with his breathing. She hoped that he...