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  1. AkiraDawn

    Infinite Ikea, Trapped Forever.

    (this is going so slow I'm totally out of it by the time I'm called to get back in to it! I know myself, and life is getting busy. I'm gonna go ahead and drop out now rather than hold you all up for the rest of forever. Thanks for letting me play! Feel free to NPC-a-fy Marshmallow if you like...
  2. AkiraDawn

    Infinite Ikea, Trapped Forever.

    MM barked happily at all the pets and lovings. She licked Seulgi's face and hands until they may very well pass for 'clean' as long as the inspection wasn't too close. She put on her best 'wanna play?' moves but realized she was going to have to be content with the girl staying on the bed...
  3. AkiraDawn

    Infinite Ikea, Trapped Forever.

    Marshmallow immediately went about snuffling and sniffing the bed, getting a sense of the aromatic quality of the new spot she was in. She'd never been allowed on one before - every time she had tried it had resulted in a loud 'Down!' MM knew that one pretty well by now. Savoring the experience...
  4. AkiraDawn

    Infinite Ikea, Trapped Forever.

    Marshmallow didn't even have time to bark as another employee came up and beat the one girl to death. It may actually be too dangerous to nom here, but...but...she had never tasted such glorious meat juice, and there were only a few of the rolling things left! She went over to one of the last...
  5. AkiraDawn

    Infinite Ikea, Trapped Forever.

    Marshmallow sniffed the air. Dead bodies was a new thing to her, but then, just going outside in the scary vroom vroom was pretty new to her. She stopped barking as the sudden violence subsided and the humans...or, individuals... started making their talking noises at each other. As Patience...
  6. AkiraDawn

    Innocent Monsters

    Hamano wasn't too keen on being led by the wrist to the room of making up, but she bore it with semi-good grace. After a moment of moving her face around to make applying the make-up difficult, just to give the techs a hard time, she relented. Even the jumper was shrugged in to without...
  7. AkiraDawn

    Infinite Ikea, Trapped Forever.

    The growl died in her throat. Marshmallow's eyes got ginormous as a meatball made an appearance in Patience's hand. Noms! He has Noms!! She tracked the produced morsel with her eyes all the way to the ground, drool filling her mouth. The smells never lie, she decided. She made short work of the...
  8. AkiraDawn

    Innocent Monsters

    Hamano saw no one had died from eating the grey gunk in the bowl just yet, so figured it was safe. She ate a spoonful and made a face at the completely unappetizing goo. Were they actually trying to make it awful on purpose? But why? She looked over at Kenny and saw him eating, as well as the...
  9. AkiraDawn

    Innocent Monsters

    Hamano was awoken by the feeling of someone staring daggers at her. She scratched her butt and curled deeper into the thin excuse for a blanket until eating was mentioned. She sat up, ears straight up and hair a mess. She looked at the bowl of questionable sludge, then looked over at Aratani to...
  10. AkiraDawn

    Innocent Monsters

    Hamano's still just sleeping. Her ears twitch and her hands come out in pawing motions at the air as she tackles some challenge or another.
  11. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    The people behind the counter did not include Barbara the befuddled barista, but who could blame her. It was close to never that touching someone's shoulder could make you feel as if you'd been burned. "Okay," he said, following after Logan to the sound of the tinkling bell marking their...
  12. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    Daniel grinned and had to admit Logan was right. Even cloaked, she seemed able to see right through him. I just hope nothing she sees scares her too much.... he thought to himself. "Sure," he said., standing and gesturing toward the door. "Chinese food?"
  13. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    Daniel gave Logan a sidelong glance as he raised a hand and waved the barista back over. "You sure about wanting me to learn to lie better?" he asked, cocking one brow at her. The barista saw them, and did a double take and came over. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I actually dumped your drinks, I totally...
  14. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    "I don't know," he said. "I've never had any reason to stick around one place long term, not since I was a young man. Before... Before things changed." He looked away and down, shifting in his seat. "Anyway," he said, looking back at Logan. "I guess I can crash on your couch? I need to be...
  15. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    Daniel watched as Logan put her head down on the table. It made sense that a short nap wouldn't be the equivalent of a good night's sleep. Her description of the headaches and flashbacks sounded odd. He made a note to take a more thorough look at her energy field when they had a moment. "The...
  16. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    Daniel nodded, noting the use of the old nickname Lauren had given him. "Okay," he relented. It's not like it had been any easier for him to grasp when he had first learned how to invoke a space. He had driven Olivia nuts with his constant questions and refusal to believe it could be that easy...
  17. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    Daniel chuckled, then inclined his head to Logan. "Sorry. Sometimes a bit of a shock to the system is necessary to bring home the reality that something is actually going on," he said. "That it's not just a 'cozy corner' by accident." He shrugged at her question. "Using your own energy is a...
  18. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    Daniel shrugged one shoulder and offered Logan a grin. "Eh, she wasn't my type, anyway," he said. He chuckled and shook his head at the mention of abuse of power. "No. It doesn't take them any power or even effort to do what they do naturally," he said. "It's more about us choosing to invoke...
  19. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    Daniel nodded his thanks to the barista and turned the full weight of his attention to Logan, as if Barbara were no longer standing there. And in a moment, she wasn't. The blast of emotional information and energy left with her, and as soon as she crossed the barrier line, the cozy was just...
  20. AkiraDawn

    Her Guardian {Angel} Demon

    Daniel grinned at Logan and nodded. "She'll be able to come over since I caught her eye on purpose," he said. "Most people just wouldn't notice us here." He sat back and gestured with his cup to the barista as she entered their space. "Hello again," he said, making a show of looking at the...