Search results for query: *

  1. ChelonianCommander

    Of Monsters and Men

    On the airship, right as the ship moved past the center of the crater below, the sounds of machine guns and light cannons began to erupt. This was a common occurrence. Even when there were clear routes one could take around the pockets of darkness, there were still smaller man sized beasts who...
  2. ChelonianCommander

    Of Monsters and Men

    (Just a heads up, there's no post limit or order. Just to keep things moving, just post when you feel like it.) The airship begin to shake and rattle as it began to pass over some uninhabitable area of the world, claimed by the deeply entrenched monsters that lurk within. If one looked out the...
  3. ChelonianCommander

    Of Monsters and Men

    @Draco Shadowdragon @61 Argent Feathers Seal Evil @Wintergreen Story It was a cold, dark and shaded night, where only the most bare minimum of light broke through the black of the clouds. Four men stood still barren field surrounded by an unnatural darkness, filled with unseen eyes and strange...
  4. ChelonianCommander

    Vessel of the gods

    It seems that they if anyone knew anything about the planet, it was only the bare minimum or they were hiding whatever else they could know. Other then that, the group were going in practically blind. Find by him really. It wasn't like his own home planet gave up its secrets willingly. What...
  5. ChelonianCommander

    Vessel of the gods

    Some more people arrived at the meet up spot and Altathe was put off by how strangely Navik greeted him. Was the creature dying? Or was this common throughout his species? The wyrm wondered, but he simply smiled back and replied as best he could. "Yes, I'm 117 years old. Is...that old for your...
  6. ChelonianCommander

    Vessel of the gods

    The Wyrm looks around and saw that two of the people who he will work with on this mission and 'smiled' at them both. Altathe couldn't really smile as his jaws were unable to perform such motions, but he bear his teeth in what could be considered a smile for his people. He didn't know the two...
  7. ChelonianCommander

    Vessel of the gods

    Altathe was busy harvesting and preparing the rest of his food supplies for the month. The young man was a shoo in to be part of the ground team. He was part of the security detachment and with his natural strengths and advantages, he was a clear choice to take on this manhunt. The largest...
  8. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    @SedentaryCobra Eugene sees that guy who was ordering him around during the battle and he put on a false smile and acted with faux friendliness. "Hey you! You're doing great, how've you been after the spar? You look's your name again?" He asked and blinked a couple times to...
  9. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    @Draco Shadowdragon "Sup. I'm Eugene. Say...since we're going to spend the next year old two here, why don't we get to know each other some more? Learn a little, give a little, all that bullshit." He suggests, acting more friendly then he was during the spar and the orientation, though unless...
  10. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    @Draco Shadowdragon Eugene finishes up his shower and takes his leave into his room, locking the door behind him. He changes into a new set of clothes that he had in his pack before sitting down on his bed. He bounced on the, admittedly soft, piece of furniture before standing up and going...
  11. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    @MelodyMeister @Ver @Emory @will30358 @Ailis @SedentaryCobra @ODSTDRAGON @Draco Shadowdragon @UnfortunateSoul Eugene went up to the stool and sat down, but he wasn't happy. He didn't like being a glorified rag doll and he didn't like being toyed with. The teacher immediately initiated combat...
  12. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    There was one student coming from behind him, another from the front and more from the sides and other angles that he couldn't even see. The teacher was unable to defend himself from all the attacks so in his mind it was the students win, and throughout the entire spar he took note of students...
  13. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    Eugene picks himself up and threw up a bit as he could feel his guts turn after that blow to the stomach. He looks up and couldn't help but think that he might he was more then enough to kick this guy's ass. He looks up and immediately kept his head down as rock disks flew over him. He...
  14. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    (Little note, I wait for 3 people to post then post at my earliest convenience.) Eugene was rather...unimpressed by the teacher's attempts to be cool. It came off more as desperate to him, but descending from a giant stone throne was pretty cool at the very least. He waited and looked around as...
  15. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    Once the students entered the gym the african man stands up and with a booming voice addresses the students. "WELCOME!! TO AORKI ACADEMY FOR A BETTER FUTURE GYMNASI-!" He shouts out in a rather thick African accent. However the rather boisterous introduction was then cut short when he began to...
  16. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    Eugene never really cared much for the snow, though he would like the cold better then the heat. He spent a good chuck of his life wearing as much heavy and concealing outfits as he can to hide his gained traits and during the summer, he would be barred off from moving during the day as the heat...
  17. ChelonianCommander

    Akori Academy for a Better Future

    It was late august on the mountain of Aorki. The New Zealand air was cold and brisk, and light snow from the night before blanket the ground as a breeze tossed around leaves and bits of snow and debris. A sparse drizzle of snow came down from the sky as the buses carrying the newest generation...
  18. ChelonianCommander

    Mages of Lerner

    Aymon realized what they were doing, but he kept his mouth shut. If he spoke it might mean they would be punished even harsher then if they were to just admit their false wrongdoings. He was conflicted on what to do. On one hand he didn't want to admit to crimes he didn't commit, but at the same...
  19. ChelonianCommander

    Mages of Lerner

    (I'm back all Just need half a day or so to recharge my batteries, both emotional and physical, then I'll write up the next post. :) )
  20. ChelonianCommander

    Mages of Lerner

    (guys, a little note, but my grandmother is currently bedridden. I need to stay with her at the hospital and they don't allow wifi in the hospital I'm in, from laptop, phone or other devices. So I'm going to be gone for most of the day. I will however attempt to reply once a day.)