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  1. Ginger

    What's your favorite roleplay Genre?

    Awesome ^^ Those all sound fun actually. I like to ask people I roleplay this question because I like to try new things as well as making sure we're both comfortable while we roleplay.
  2. Ginger

    Have you ever had good dreams or nightmares?

    I know what you mean. Dreams are weird, from what I hear people say is that dreams mostly consist of things you've seen or heard already.
  3. Ginger

    What's your favorite roleplay Genre?

    I hope I'm not spamming cause I did make replies on two different posts (1 on one post and 2 on another) but I wanted to see if anyone had a certain genre they love roleplaying. I happen to like romance and/or platonic rp's with a bit of angst and fluff mixed into it. I am a big fan of Angst...
  4. Ginger

    Have you ever had good dreams or nightmares?

    I'll have something like that on occasion and I wake up either confused because I thought I was already at school, or irritated cause I'm like "Dude it's like 3 in the morning why?"
  5. Ginger

    Have you ever had good dreams or nightmares?

    I tend to get nightmares all the time so I think their just worthless images playing back at me IE: a memory or something thats been warped. Rarely do I ever have good dreams and when I do it's usually something I've watched a lot before bed. They could mean something but I don't know anything...
  6. Ginger

    What are your current obsessions?

    I'm currently obsessed with Transformers and Voltron at the moment. I was obsessed with Transformers in the past although it's gotten a bit worse I think lol It's what happens when you start watching shows for nostalgia sake. :D