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  1. Gwazi Magnum

    Are people here fine with furs

    I came in here thinking this was going to be about the fur trade industry. XD As for the furry question? I'm fine with a furry player being in an RP I'm in. My only issue pops up in one of two situations. 1) They try to make their character a furry when it doesn't work at all for the setting...
  2. Gwazi Magnum

    Nature vs Nurture

    According to Science, it's both. We have some things written into us from the start thanks to genes, hormones etc, and some things that are taught to us. Other things are from gene's, but gene's that only have trigger under certain environments where if without said environment the gene would...
  3. Gwazi Magnum

    Sex & Sexuality Poll

    I technically played characters outside of my own sexuality (Straight Male), but it really is technicalities. 1. Back during my teenage "SEX RP! SEX RP!" days, I had the occasional Lesbian character. But really, this was less a Sexuality shift but a Gender shift, since I was still attracted to...
  4. Gwazi Magnum

    Free Speech

    I agree with how it's been described in the OP, unless if you are directly causing physical harm to someone it shouldn't be something getting censored. Cause the second it changes to perceived harm, or mental harm you open the flood gates to anything someone finds to be offensive to be...
  5. Gwazi Magnum

    Gender: Is there a difference?

    If you mean Equality of opportunities, we already have it for the most part. There's no laws stopping any one from entering a field they desire assuming they show their competency for it. We've only got smaller issues left now such as anti-abortion laws and circumcision. If you mean Equality of...
  6. Gwazi Magnum

    Gender: Is there a difference?

    Nilum already stated anything I could and more in response to the OP's original question, except for one small note. You know how Transgenders exist? And how it can be diagnosed as "Gender Dysphoria?", well brain/hormone differences are why you get people feeling weird in their biological...
  7. Gwazi Magnum

    Trump's Executive Order Halting Immigration & Refugees

    My main thing outlook on this refugee situation is that it seems like the first world is more concerned with some violent act occurring (with the same likelihood of happening as death by vending machine*) as they are about the fact these people are trying to flee inslavement and genocide...
  8. Gwazi Magnum

    D&D #1: Religious Beliefs

    Part 1 Questions 1. In simple terms I'd count as an Atheist who would rank a 6.9 on Richard Dawkins Agnostic Scale. 2. The very nature of being an atheist is being without a God. So no, I don't have one. 3. Bluntly speaking? We decompose into the ground and become worm food, though this get's...