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  1. Hydrangea

    The worst genie ever

    Granted, LilyBee has become more amazing - prompting the petty and competitive to improve and also be, more amazing. The amazing economy collapses with too many people becoming too cool for school. I wish for socks that go well with sandals.
  2. Hydrangea

    The worst genie ever

    Granted, you never got the chance to grow old because we buried a beautiful young corpse. I wish for the number 4 to remain exactly the way it is.
  3. Hydrangea

    The worst genie ever

    Congratulations, he's real, but misses his reality and wants nothing to do with anyone here so you never get to meet him. D: I wish to be told a riddle.
  4. Hydrangea

    You have been banned for ____

    You've been banned for potentially being responsible for this.
  5. Hydrangea

    The avatar above you fights your avatar. How screwed are you?

    I think I'm set. Thankfully Hydrangea doesn't kill people, and would look for the most non-violent solution; you're getting hog tied or bonked on the back of the head.
  6. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Will be stabbed if pushing. Will be pushed if hugging, or stabbed. Will not stab others, against character design. Hug. Poor Natsuki is on a stabbing rampage. Probably just needs a snickers.
  7. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Hugs for pushing the stabber away.
  8. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Well I'm not going to stab you, so I'll push Natsuki back. That is if the tsundere didnt need another forehead kiss. Seems like it with how stabby things get
  9. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Baka, this character deals dmg back when attacked at melee range. Hug.
  10. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    You have 4 options, up to you. I've done all but stab, which makes me consider... Nah. Italian greeting kiss.
  11. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Yeah it's pretty accurate for a baka. Hug. Not that you wanted one.
  12. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Spiderman doesn't kill people. Hug, for he has been misled.
  13. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Didnt get stabbed so mission accomplished. Kiss the forehead and leave, let Natsuki frustrate over that.
  14. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Hug because yes, yes she does, we all do. Put down the knife.
  15. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Hug because the character needs the support after what it's been through.
  16. Hydrangea

    What kind of relationship would you have with the avatar above?

    Love-hate because Katsu is most definitely a Tsundere.
  17. Hydrangea

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above

    Push. My avatar doesn't like stabbing/killing people, but this avatar is an abomination that he wouldn't allow close to himself.
  18. Hydrangea

    What kind of relationship would you have with the avatar above?

    Fictional. This isn't a real person D:
  19. Hydrangea

    Male vs Females War Zone 2
