The worst genie ever

Granted, LilyBee has become more amazing - prompting the petty and competitive to improve and also be, more amazing. The amazing economy collapses with too many people becoming too cool for school.

I wish for socks that go well with sandals.
Granted! You now have magic socks that go well with sandals, but also itch like crazy.

I wish for everyone on STC to get a free silly hat in their mailbox.
Granted! Unfortunately your bunny is made out of unicode and thus cannot be petted, fed, played with or killed.

I wish to have an infinitely long corridor somewhere in my house.
Goo goo gaa gaa! Doo to a pwevious wish I was weborn as a babby, soooo. Gwanted! Unicode lion cub I foundeded on the Intenet!

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I wish I was a wabbit!
Granted! I'm more like the 'better genie now, so..' You get an exceedingly big strawberry that will never rot and has the perfect taste for whoever eating it.

I wish that everybody who's nice to me becomes more amazing than they already are!
Not granted. Except for being mean to people you'll get a phone when you're in year 11.

I wish for SOMEONE, ANYONE, to be nice.
Granted! an alien on a distant planet says something nice too its alien friend.

I wish to learn the difference between to and too. ArGh
Granted! There is an extra O.

I wish for a good genie. who actually GRANTS wishes without finding someway to make them go haywire.
Granted! Katsu understands every single one of her lessons! Sadly she promptly forgets every single one as soon as class is over.

I wish I could draw faster.