The worst genie ever

Granted! You draw so fast that everyone thinks your a freak and you have to go to a mental asylum. :)

I wish Shouko loved herself T^T
Granted! but her dad pulls her out of school and she lives a depressing life being beaten by him forever.

I wish for Monika too fuck off.
Granted! She fucks off, but then she fucks into the game again.

I wish for Natsuki to be the Monika of the game and not be deleted by MC.
Granted! But she immediately dies after she tells you her feelings. How sad.

I wish for a monster that loves me and attacks people on my command.
Granted! The genie misheard you and thought you said 'a million random things' so you get crushed under a million random things.

I wish for a rainbow cupcake.
Granted, you'll get a cupcake that appears the next time you see a rainbow and will just as quickly vanish.

I wish for a baby.
Granted. It tastes terrible. Why did you want this cupcake?

I wish for a bio-luminescent lake. A whole lake. Right by me.
Granted. The eraser is cheap, and doesn't last long.

I calmly tell the genie that I please wish for the hallucinogenic bodies of my loved ones to not be in my nice lake, please... While I internally freak out.
Granted! You can't believe it's not cheese!

I wish to be good enough at art that I can make my D&D characters in specific scenes. No higher though. Don't want to ask for too much of a miracle.