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  1. Magellan

    Okay so, Who Saw the New Star Wars!? ::SPOILERS::

    Oh man I thought it was so good, I reckon it was better than both of the other Disney ones. I found this part kind of dumb to be honest. It's wierd that this is the first time we see her use the force and it broke my immersion a bit seeing her just floating like that. There's gotta be a better...
  2. Magellan

    Favourite part of history?

    If I had to pick one it'd be WWII, so many terrible things happening but so fascinating. I love reading about the bits of good humanity that come through as well like that German interrogator who wouldn't use violence at all, he'd talk to captives and go for walks with them and they'd give...
  3. Magellan

    What's Everybody Been Reading?

    I'm looking for some new books so let us know what you're reading, how you're liking it and whether we should check it out. To start us off I'm getting back into fantasy and I've read Traitor's Blade, the first book from The Greatcoats trilogy. It doesn't break much new ground but I really...
  4. Magellan

    Favorite Childhood TV Shows/Cartoons

    Oh man I love so many of the old Cartoon Network shows, pretty much all of the ones in the last two posts I used to watch. Samurai Jack is another one that's an absolute classic. Megas XLR was pretty great and so was Xiaolin Showdown if anyone remembers that one. And SWAT Kats of course, holy...
  5. Magellan

    Unpopular opinions!

    I find myself agreeing with alotta these as well. Anyway, off the top of my head: Fallout: New Vegas is superior in every way to Fallout 3 Knights of the Old Republic II is a more interesting game than Knights of the Old Republic I and it'd be better if Obsidian were given the time to finish it...