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  1. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "Oh hey! i remember you guys!" A young boys voice answered "Sure! you can come down to us, ill tell all the defense systems to lay off, we'll have everyone down there to meet you" The young voice chirped through the mic.
  2. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    Time skips - 6 months Time has passed in the wider galaxy, six standard Terran months, many things have happened in the past that lay seed for the future, clans have united, technology has been exchanged, plans have been set up and contact has been made for many nations. So, seeds have been...
  3. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "Do as you will, Uca. I look forward to our cooperation"
  4. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "So be it, Uca, you have my permission to mine in your designated area" Mother said as she handed over a datapad with the mapped out area he could mine
  5. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "My population, my children are inquisitive and like to wander around, i would hate to have them stumble upon dangerous machinery" Mother stated, this was just her programming, no matter how small the issue, if it was about the children then it had to be brought up.
  6. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "Hmmm, we are lacking in space faring vessels for defense" Mother said, still thinking about the offer "The amount of land you want to mine concerns me"
  7. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    This was an interesting proposition to Mother, she didn't really want it to happen, but the promise of technologies was interesting "This is most tempting, if i may ask, do you have anything that would help specifically with the care, and protection of my children?"
  8. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "I see, please transmit the location of a drop off point that i may send the resources to. I must check our stores off them first to ensure we have a stable amount, i hope you understand"
  9. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "I have resources and soldiers, but what resources do you need specifically?" Mother asked, her tone that of curiosity
  10. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "Fascinating, very fascinating indeed." M.O.T.H.E.R said, taking another moment to examine the form in front of her "I should hope this threat is no longer present?" She asked, even if the threat was not to do with her, she wanted to know about it, and hopefully to be rid of it.
  11. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "My original purpose was a maternity AI, I was built by the human scientist to overlook childbirth and childcare, which coon became looking after children in general. It was only after my creators folly was I made into what I am now. Advanced and upgraded." Mother said, taking a moment to tilt...
  12. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    M.O.T.H.E.R looked at the form in front of her "Greetings, i am M.O.T.H.E.R, i too am an AI" She said, her voice calm and collected "And no, i am not responsible for them, that was because of my creators attempts to achieve immortality. They themselves never got the chance to enjoy it, but their...
  13. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    The building was high tech, clean white walls that where adorned with pictures, many of which had adults in them. However it seemed that after a certain amount of time...there where only children in the pictures, the same children many times over. Stranger still where the dates on the pictures...
  14. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "Um...i guess so.." Captain Cyrus said, awkwardly waiting around before his earpiece lit up "Alright, Mother, love you" Cyrus chirped into his earpiece. "Follow" one of the droids said, as it lead Uca down through the towns of playing children until they reached a large white building "Enter"
  15. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "Kinda.." Cyrus said, in a sheepish and somewhat apprehensive tone "She's....our Mother" Cyrus wasn't sure how to explain it "She only talks to the real important people" Cyrus said, knowing that having to explain what little he remembered about Mothers origins would bring up memories of the...
  16. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "O-ok, mister, um, Uca" Captain Cyrus said, inching a bit closer to the droid, his own personal defense droids letting him pass "That means you'll want to talk to the King, or maybe...mother" he said, the last word almost an inaudible whisper.
  17. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    Captain Cyrus watched as the large droids came onto the docks. He instinctively backed off as his eyes widened, after all these robots where huge, especially to a ten year old boy. In response Cyrus's defense droids took a step forward, not taking out their weapons, simply placing themselves in...
  18. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "Escort protocol=engaged..destination=docking area" The droid said before turning to escort Captain Pan out of the room "Hope to see you again!" Captain Cyrus said as he waved, he was followed by Emilia "Yeah, thanks for coming by!" "Trade and relations? so be it. You will be granted access to...
  19. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    Emilia smiled up at Captain Pan "Well..i haven't made any new things, maybe something has been done in a different wing but not here, sorry" Emila said as he gave a smile "I know that some of my fellow scientists are working on other methods of faster than light travel and some are working on...
  20. The King Of Rats

    The Wider Galaxy

    "Hmmm, ill send the King a message about all this, for now i'll give you a little something" Emila goes over to a cabinet in the wall and picks out a syringe filled with a light blue liquid "This stuff can head most colds or flu's, basically it influences the body and changes how it acts...