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  1. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "Well thank you," Charlie smiled, looking down at her bowl. Oddly enough, she felt that her own sense of pride would be taunted by the teenager which is what had prompted her to hide it. When she looked back up she caught the tear sliding down his cheek. Maybe she had done something that crossed...
  2. nico

    Secretly Enemies (nico/Bunz)

    A soft pink dusted Deanna's pale cheeks at the title Miss. "I'm glad you like the place! I try my best to keep it tidy," she smiled, standing at the edge of the living room area. Of course, the place had been combed over more so than usual in hopes to sway him into agreeing to live here with...
  3. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "I thought it would be worse too," she admitted, "Shockingly, at least to my poor people taste buds, it tastes pretty good too." She pointed her fork to the empty bowl on the counter, turning back to face him to gauge his reaction. At home, during normal age life, she was sure he had people to...
  4. nico

    Secretly Enemies (nico/Bunz)

    Deanna had attempted for a while to find a roommate, but every person she had sat down with to get a feel for had felt wrong. The only good candidate thus far had been a younger female, seemingly fresh from high school, but she had asked far too many questions for her liking. That, the...
  5. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    Charlotte made her way back into the kitchen, leaving Max to do whatever he deemed necessary for a shower. Ingredients made their way back out of their place and on to the counter. Water boiled, Charlotte hummed, ingredients were peeled, chopped, and boiled as the recipe had called for. To her...
  6. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "We will figure it out. It shouldn't be hard," she shrugged as she finished up putting away all of the groceries and scooped up the bag with the shower supplies. She noted that she would have to dig out a towel for him as well if she didn't want to share which she definitely didn't want to do...
  7. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    {I'm so sorry, I've been like crazy busy !} After not to long Charlotte returned, keys jingling as she wrestled them from her pocket with an empty hand. Once she'd gotten the door open she shoved the keys back in her pocket and picked up the bag of groceries she'd had to set on the floor...
  8. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    Charlotte recounted all his aversions, searching for an affordable place to order food and coming up with nothing that seemed trustworthy. Seeing Max asleep on the couch she wondered if it would be worry some to him if he woke up and she wasn't there. After all, he had no way of contacting her...
  9. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "Right, so I'll just go ahead and order something probably," she took a deep inhale and let out a long sigh. This was going to be harder than she thought. Charlotte's hand met the glass surface of the door and pushing it open; she stood inside, holding the door for Max. Sure, she wasn't going to...
  10. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "The couch isn't far from my door. I can grab you a blanket and pillow from my closet too if you'd like," she offered, shrugging, "but if not no sweat. I guess I'll check and see if there's enough for me to cook something for both of us; if not I can order food." She locked the car, her hand...
  11. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    (Sorry for the gap, I have been all over the place) "Got it, guess it is my job to babysit which includes the duty of entertaining you," she shrugged and shut off the car, tucking the keys into her pocket before climbing out. Max would follow, at least she assumed he would as there wouldn't be...
  12. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "Barely be called an apartment huh? Why don't you go ahead and pay for all the stuff I need if you want luxury?" she scoffed. Her temper seldom boiled but something about his lack of empathy made her blood boil in her veins. "Sure, I don't know anything about your situation but you also know...
  13. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    Charlie sighed and rolled her eyes, "A 2 bedroom apartment except the second bedroom is my office, so I suppose you'll be stuck on my couch. Such a shame." She knew that her words probably sounded harsh, but it was clear to her that playing nice wasn't exactly working out here. "In regards to...
  14. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "That doesn't mean this is how you have to be forever. You probably see no issue with your behavior which is why you pretty much refuse to change anything; in your own eyes your perfect. As for the posting, I would prefer that you don't post anything during this period of time. One, because you...
  15. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "We can get food delivered or I can cook then," she put her seatbelt on and started the car up. "I'm sure. It's most likely prejudice from some people assuming that you act a certain way because you have this money, and I think you act a bit more....snobbish than you think you do. Not to be...
  16. nico

    All You Ever Wanted

    "Oh, lovely," she took a deep breath. It was going to be a long adjustment period, and it was only just beginning. "You can set it on your lap or on the floor mat at your feet that way the surface is easier to clean. Just let me know what you want because you're certainly not going to be the one...
  17. nico

    The Dream Weaver

    Kana continued to jog, her feet making slightly heavy sounds as they hit the floor. The voice was definitely familiar, and since she hadn't heard anyone speak in years, she had to assume that meant Leon had returned. Hopefully, Kana making her yell again would not get her caught. "I'm coming!"...
  18. nico

    The Dream Weaver

    Kana heard a voice call out. While the words weren't processed, the nearness of the sound let her know someone else was here. The creature didn't speak, she almost wondered if it could hear at all since it had let her call out to someone all these years. Maybe he had thought that no one would be...
  19. nico

    The Dream Weaver

    The footsteps that Kana had been following seemed to be getting too loud, at least for her comfort. Even as she took steps backward, the clacking of the creature's steps became louder which prompted her to quickly and quietly duck into a nearby room. By doing so without him having a line of...
  20. nico

    The Dream Weaver

    Kana heard the footsteps rush away which was a new sound considering the steps usually slowed once she went into a room. The fastest it had ever sounded was a jog, but what she had just heard was more like track running. It piqued her curiosity, so she leaned carefully out of the door that she...