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  1. pandakatiefominz

    Interest Check Welcome to Versailles

    I visited Versailles last week, and beyond how beautiful (and emotionally complicated) the chateau and the gardens were, I was struck by how fun it would be to do a RP set there (or set in a Versailles-inspired palace so we don't have to worry about historical accuracy). If you've ever seen the...
  2. pandakatiefominz

    Open Life in the Boarding House

    Fantastic! I'm so excited. Hopefully we can get two more players, but if not, we'll make it work with the three we have!
  3. pandakatiefominz

    Open Life in the Boarding House

    The owners are renting out the rooms! And I love the idea of two siblings, two dogs, and their friend! It's a really interesting dynamic, and not one I had expected!
  4. pandakatiefominz

    Open Life in the Boarding House

    G.M. Dark - Dark is a tall, bearded man, with black hair and amber eyes. He seems to always wear a suit, speaks quite formally, and is somber. He normally has a neutral expression and has a piercing gaze. He is often described as intimidating and small children have been known to accuse him...
  5. pandakatiefominz

    Open Life in the Boarding House

    I will gladly do so!
  6. pandakatiefominz

    Open Life in the Boarding House

    In the little town of Juniper Hollow, everybody knows everybody, and family roots run deep. Summers are sleepy and long, winters quiet and cold. But on Azalea street, one house is a little different. Two stories tall, the yellow house with a big white porch has seven bedrooms, a dining room...
  7. pandakatiefominz

    Interest Check A RP a Day Keeps the Big Sad Away!

    Don't worry about being slow to reply! I work part time as a tutor, so if I'm not working with children, I am preparing to work with them, I'm busy a lot of the time, too. I'm interested in discussing your ideas, but I have to admit I'm not super looking for an Epic RP, because they honestly...
  8. pandakatiefominz

    Interest Check A RP a Day Keeps the Big Sad Away!

    Alright, hens, raise your hand if you're like me and your mental health is not in a good place right now. I feel you, I'm right there with you. When I'm at a point like that, which I am, I like to distract myself through Role Play, because it gives me the chance to be someone else for a little...
  9. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    That sounds great! With you involved, that makes everyone we need! Welcome!
  10. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    I'm struggling a bit to find a third party member for us. I've been trolling the new addition threads, but they all need to wait to be approved.
  11. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    We're glad to have you! The character/entity is all your's!
  12. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    I'm glad you're interested! It isn't going to be a complete DnD campaign, exactly, so don't worry about any specific rules! Awesome! I'm thrilled to have another member involved!
  13. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    I'd greatly appreciate it if you did :)
  14. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    In that case, I'll definitely need to find a way to draw people in!
  15. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    I'm glad to hear you're interested! If you prefer a group, we need to wait on more people (obviously), but that's alright! Do you have any number you think would be a good amount?
  16. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    Some of you may have seen my post called something like, "Stranded in an enchanted forest." It followed two of my most played characters: they got lost, found themselves lost inside of a forest, and needed help. This is a variation on that theme. Instead of being stranded, however, it's a...
  17. pandakatiefominz

    Open Looking for a partner or two

    I'm not super into a mermaid-werewolf war, it doesn't quite make sense to me, because I can't quite tell what they would be warring over. But we might want to discuss further through private messages. Just in case someone else it interested in rping with you too :)
  18. pandakatiefominz

    Open Looking for a partner or two

    Mixing the two would work fine, depending on how they're mixed. A story involving both werewolves and mermaids is interesting to me, but a were-maid is less interesting. I'm often wary of adding too much to any particular character.
  19. pandakatiefominz

    Open Looking for a partner or two

    I might be interested. Do you have any specific plot in mind? I thought I would be most interested in a mermaid, which is still interesting to me, but honestly, I'm thinking a werewolf plot could be intriguing. It's the only one of the four I've never done a story with.
  20. pandakatiefominz

    Open [Fantasy] Looking for roleplayers

    I am somewhat interested in doing a large RP with a variety of different writers, but I am concerned about if it will get difficult to follow.