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  1. Elysian Kalon


    Fight Elysian Kalon We all fight our own demons, Each one unique But as with every battle, There are gains, And there are losses. The demons gain ground Shoving us down into the deep depths of depression Bloodying and battering our self-confidence, Creating unwarranted fear at every sound or...
  2. Elysian Kalon


    Human Elysia What is the meaning of humanity What does it mean to be human How can we be sure that we aren’t just Pieces Of A Machine Part of being alive Is the beauty in life The beauty of having life change us The people we talk to The events we live through The ideas we have It all shapes...
  3. Elysian Kalon

    Mirror, Mirror

    Why hello there! Come to read my poetry? You have! That's lovely! Please tell me what you think and if you would like more! Thanks! Mirror, Mirror By Elysia Mirror, Mirror On the wall Who is the fairest of them all Mirror, Mirror On the wall I don’t understand them all And what they don’t...