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  1. Lecklas

    Returning User Heyo! Lets try this once more yeah?

    Hello everyone! My name is Lecklas and I am 17 years old! I was on here for a bit back in the beginning of April 2020. Since then I've had a very eventful 2 years and I won't get into it for the sake of not trauma dumping on anyone and wanting to stay in line of the rules for the website (Which...
  2. Lecklas

    New User Hello! Hope to make friends with you all <3

    Introduction HI! I'm Lecklas! I've been roleplaying since I was about ten years old. I don't even remember what got me started on this journey but I love traveling to new universes! You see Roleplay for me is escapism and a coping mechanism along with just being fun and creative. I love being...