2020 Tech

So I'm gming the Wardens set in a dystopia 2020 and beyond, where arms programs received more funding from 2017 onwards due to the middle East falling into total anarchy. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about team kinds of tech we might see in this scenario, for example railings and laser guns, as the US navy at least are experimenting with them.
2020? So, three years from now? The answer is... Not a whole lot, actually.

Thing is, you can vomit more funding at something, but it still requires simple man hours and mistakes and trial and error and experimentation to discover anything. Science always benefits from more funding, but more in that it can do more intricate experiments, or increase the number of simultaneous projects, rather than speeding up the process.

So, I suppose, being super optimistic...
--We would have lasers that can shoot down missiles. (Tech exists already, it's just implementing it on a wide scale.)
--We would have a lot of tanks.
--Drones would be more of a thing. Not just aerial drones, but drones which can blow open doors, disarm explosives, et cetera.
--The F-35 might finally be doing something. Probably not, but maybe!
--Veterans might be able to replace lost limbs with cybernetic prosthetics. They would be simplistic as hell, but usable.
--Intelligence Gathering Operations will become even more electronic. Since sending men into a destabilized middle East would be suicide, expect to see a lot more satellite photos.

That's about it really. We wouldn't have railguns we could really use yet. The power cost on those things is fucking grotesque. Everything else is still in the concept stage, so don't expect to see anything for at least 5-10 more years.