A Brief Overview of the Varan


Varan Adventurer
Author's Note: Whenever possible I will always choose to play as my custom race: the Varan. Since the time of their first manifestation they have went through many changes. The name 'Varan' is derived from Varangian, a term that relates to the Vikings, which serves as the base of their inspiration. I have since added elements of Gaelic Celtic culture, and Anglo-Saxon culture, as well as my own additions to make them unique.

Who are the Varan?
The Varan are northmen hailing from a large landmass called Asgeir. They are taller than most men, naturally strong, and resistant to magic - traits which breed excellent warriors. They typically sport long hair, and the men usually have thick beards. Varan may have red, black, brown, and blonde hair colors, and blue, green, hazel, and brown eyes, with fair or light skin.

Aside from being capable warriors the Varan are mostly known for their resistance to magic. Whether this natural resistance to the arcane arts is physical, magical, or spiritual in nature is unknown. Varan are highly resistant to magical spells and effects, but in turn are unable to use magic themselves. The men and women of Asgeir have longed relied on Runic magic for their spells and powers: enchanting various items that can exhibit magical potential. Rune magic is usually practiced by druids, priests, and priestesses.

Varan society is built around honor, duty, and loyalty. They are a storied warrior-folk who enjoy the thrill of combat, adventure, and the gathering of friends. Mead halls and various longhouses spread across Asgeir host great feasts where bands of warriors gather, exchanging stories and listening to the skalds. Varan are great sailors and many live lives as seafaring warriors, explorers, and raiders from their longships. Young warriors often set out as adventures and return home as hardened veterans, eventually retiring to a life of labor and seek to raise their own family.

Varan wear a traditional garment called a ki'gar. Ki'gars are woven from Buunvar fur, which makes them resistant to tearing and fireproof. Ki'gars can be worn as sashes, capes, cloaks, scarfs, etc. They generally display the colors and motifs of the Varan's clan, but all are different and can display any number of things.

What is Asgeir?
Asgeir is a large landmass to the far north. It has a varied landscape, covered in mountains, valleys, thick forests, swamps, rivers and creeks, lakes and ponds, tundras and more. All manner of creatures can be found throughout Asgeir, from the native Buunvar beasts, to the docile deer, and the terrible beasts which lurk in the swamps.

Politically, Asgeir is divided into various provinces, usually called holds or fiefs. Each hold is ruled by a chief or jarl, who governs the inhabitants and is responsible for their protection. In times of need the jarl may levy the local warriors.

Asgeir has a High King, but his power extends as far as Stormhold - the capital of Asgeir. It is merely an honorary title, although all jarls across Asgeir respect his word and would support him in his time of need. Stormhold is the largest and oldest city in the north, home to the Stormguard, and is perhaps the most easily-defensible settlement in Asgeir. The current High King is Ulfr Borgsson.

One of the most popular holds is Wulfenheim Hold. Clan Valgard, the House of the Wolf, rule from Wulfenheim. Clan Valgard has always produced capable swordsmen, and can raise the Wolfguard: mounted shock troops. The current jarl is Jarlessa Aesa 'the One-Handed' Jojora; her son Ralf Valgard is the heir-apparent, but he currently lives his life as a adventurer.

One part of Asgeir, Skoggsland, is inhabited by the brutal and vicious Skogg. This region is largely independent.

A brief overview of Varan history
The term 'Varan' originally referred to one of many groups in Asgeir, which eventually dominated the north. Over time those groups who did not flee from the Varan were assimilated or destroyed. Only the Skogg of Skoggsland resisted their expansion.

The earliest Varan were hunter-gatherers which migrated across ancient Asgeir, typically following Buunvar herds. Buunvar are large, native beasts of Asgeir, whose thick hide and fur is strong and fireproof; they resemble a cross between oxen, buffalo, and mammoths. As resources and herds became scarce the various clans were forced to fight for survival, which bred a warrior culture. Small bands of clans, each sporting powerful and accomplished champions, would engage in small-scale battles This was also where ki'gars came about: the various warriors would create personal banners and decorate them with various patches to indicate their prowess in battle. This age of constant adventure and epic duels laid the groundwork for Varan culture, and is called the Barbarian Age.

As the Varan learned to farm and settle down the Barbarian Age came to an end. Animals such as oxen, cattle, sheeps, and goats were domesticated and crops could be grown. The staple food of Asgeir was fish, however. It is believed that the protein-rich fish diets and the hard, laborious lifestyle of the Varan molded them into the tall, naturally-strong men and women they are today. Clans merged and settled into small villages which fought over local resources, farm land, and territory; riverways were especially important to the Varan for trade and transportation.

Villages evolved into towns, strongholds, and small cities ruled by kings and queens, which exerted control over smaller settlements. These small kingdoms could levy large armies, and warfare usually consisted of fighting over territory, resources, and even personal vendettas. This period is known as the Kingdom Age. Around this time equestrianism became an important aspect of Varan culture and warfare, as the population was rural and dispersed; proper travel was necessary to travel across the large, dangerous expanse of Asgeir.

At some point Asgeir was invaded by foreigners. The divided peoples of Asgeir were quickly defeated piecemeal, until all but a few strongholds remained. Many refugees and defeated warriors fled to Stormhold, the oldest and largest city in Asgeir. It was there the Heroic Age was born.

The Heroic Age saw the creation of the Thundering Three: an alliance of Tarro Valgard, Koros Jarn, and Borg Haakonsson (King of Stormhold). These three men rallied the Varan at Stormhold and began a campaign to reclaim the western and southern provinces of Asgeir. In the east a hero known as Joric Horse-tamer rose to fame; he founded the Jorian Riders and reclaimed the eastern plains. Although Joric was killed in the final battle of the east, his followers joined the Thundering Three and helped reclaim the south.

After the foreign invaders were driven out the Varan declared Borg Haakonsson of Stormhold the High King of Asgeir, and thus the Kingdom of Asgeir was founded.

Important Terms
Joric, Joria, and the Jorian Riders
Wulfenehim Hold and Clan Valgard
The High Kings of Asgeir and Stormhold

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