A Decision


Through all, smile. Through the worst, smirk.
Not so long ago there were always theses thoughts in my mind when I drove my vehicle down the road. The thoughts were usually dark with intent and consisted of one thing, death.

For example one of those thoughts would be about the simple idea of turning the wheel. Just turning it, turning it to the side. Either side would do. There was something on either side to hit. Then the thought would turn to what would it be like? Would the car crunch as the pole or guard rail tore into the metal of the car.

Those were thoughts that used to wonder into my mind a few months back towards the middle of the summer. Thoughts that I've had often and for some reason I had a sudden realization last night. I no longer have those thoughts.

Since joining fet, they had lessened. Then something amazing happened and I found my loves. I found people I love so greatly and support that rivals no one else. Friends and loved ones that are amazing.

It started by simply making a decision. That decision was to live. No, instead of turning that wheel, I kept it straight. I kept driving towards my destination and continuing to live. That one decision sent me further and further into a loving place and to the arms of those I hold so dear.

One decision. Just one, can have the most impact. It's just a matter of what you decide to do.