
The Heart of The Party
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Just a routine. Once again a translucent blue portal was bestowed before me. I was expected to go through, I was always expected to go through, like my non-blood related ancestors before me. "Are you ready Jake?" Said Simon. The more sympathetic of the two guards. He had the face of a girl, it was smooth and so pale light made it glow. The other, Francis was the rude guard. His face wasn't nice to look at either: it was very soggy, his eye's bulging out of his head, his facial hair untamed.

After taking a deep breath in, I looked down, rubbed my eyes, then once again looked up. "I guess as ready as I can be" I said. who could be ready for this? it wasn't something I planned on getting use to. I haven't yet and I still refuse too. "Well 'urry up then" Francis Said. It was funny he couldn't pronounce his H's. He probably never would either because of his manly nature. I felt a heavy force upon myself, the weight of all the other's on my shoulders. Even though It felt like it was impossible to get up, I knew I could, In fact I knew I had to. If the others could so could I, Even if there was no end. Finally my body had co-operated with my brain forcing my body up. I came face to face with the portal. On the other side was another chapter, to which hopefully would end with a Zap! rather than Bang!


I entered the portal. It was ocean against the skin, a cool sensation that brought warmth to your heart, it felt like home, a place you belong, the place you came from. Though every time I go through it never leads to where I most want to go.


On the other side was charcoal soaked building and a smoke stained sky. In the middle of it all was two powerful forces causing collision damage; A young boy no older than twenty, who looked as kind as can be, and a gatekeeper, barely older then him.

Gatekeepers were an interesting subject. They always wore robes as if they were some kind of cult. In a weird way they almost function as one. There bodies were barely different from human chemistry. While there torso, legs and face, for the most part were the same, there arms were metallic starting at there elbow down, at the tip of the arm was talon's rather than hands. This was how they siphoned life-force energy into a gateway, this was how I got here....

Although I knew it wasn't my fault, that didn't stop the blame from luring around in my mind. As I watched them fight it felt like a stab to the heart, it was sad to see, such human emotions. It at least had to be a little sad, honestly. I had to stop them. I said that as if I had a choice in the matter. While approaching the the boy missiles were barraging all around me. Some landing directly on me, it felt like a thousand needles piercing into my flesh, yet I still was standing, no injuries sustained. When the boy finally noticed me he gave an angry yet concerning face, but deep in his eyes you could see a scared, lonely, and sad child.

"Who-who the hell are you?" The boy said.
"I'm just another person among the crowd. And you must be Chance?" I said.
"How did yo-" He stopped. His eye's squinted as he got lost in thought.
"Bingo! You should have known they would have sent me eventually. You can't be messing with gatekeepers! they are, yet again, another brand stinkin' new part 'important' part of human society" I said.
"Oh that's real easy for you to say! You're with them. This person, no, this monster keeps killing, while you guys stand idle and watch it happen. And for what? So you can travel anywhere in the world at an instance?

How can people's sacrifice be worth something so little?" He yelled.
"That's a tricky question, but I guess in their terms it's a necessary evil. As bad as they are they only send me in when there's an actual threat" I said.
"Oh? and this isn't a threat? I'm the threat? how dare you! This monster had killed some of my closest friends and even family! But you still don't see that!" He said.
"Oh so now you'll become the very thing you hate! a murderer. But you don't have to I have a proposal for you" I said.
"I'm not backing down, You. Can. Fuck. Off. This person is a monster like it or not!" He yelled.
I grinned my teeth together.
"Don't you dare just sit there and treat them like they're some kind of monster! You don't seem to realize that They aren't the monster's. What you should be afraid of is something far more scary, the creature that lives in all of us. Look at yourself! You've caused all this damage with your 'missiles' killing how many in the name of revenge? isn't it funny how death only matters when it happens to someone who means something to you? Now I'm getting tired of your tamper tantrum. If you don't grow the hell up and walk away I'm gonna have to kill you" I said.
"you-you can't stop me I can't even di-" He got cut off as I quickly interrupted.
"I can, I'm not like the other's. So the question is do you really wanna die? Do any of us really wanna die?" I said to the boy. The warm-salty-water had streamed down his face. I approached him and gave him a hug.
"You thought you were indestructible. But I'm so much more then that. I don't know death, but if I kill you, I know what will happen and it's worse than any death" I said. It kinda felt like overkill at this point and I couldn't help but feel bad.

"I give, I give, please don't kill me I don't wanna die!" He sobbed, barely getting the words out of his mouth. You could hear his throat tighten.
"No one does that's why I gave you the option" I said.

Soon after the security team had showed up to bring him to a prison cell. They were a bit pushy. I just hoped this didn't come back to bite me.

The gatekeeper approached me. "Thank you Gate Protector" She said. Her face was round with only sharp teeth appearing, which had taken up her whole face. The thing almost seemed attached.
"You don't have too, I had to do it. I'm the only one who can. If don't others will have to take the burden. I am the one man army" I said.
"You are kind Gate Protect" She said.
"Only because I have to" I said.

Two Caucasian males came up. There appearances unimportant. "Thank you for the experience. It's an honor" One said. The gatekeeper's second face opened it's big jaws tearing their souls from there bodies. Electricity arched from her hands creating an ocean portal.


I was greeted with a nice response.
"Aw come on Gates why didn't you use the ability? Afraid to die again?" Francis harassed. Which wasn't new.
"Who isn't? Aren't you?" I said.
There was a large Gulp! "No, no, not me. Besides what happened to you? You can't stop killing forever. Eventually you-" He said.
"They have a right to live too. If you wanna do it you're way then go. Oh wait that's right You don't wanna have to deal with being scared! no that's apparently my responsibility and mine alone. You're not a soilder. No only I am anymore, the one man army" I said angrily as I stormed away.
I kept charging through and past the command room.
"Influence at 98.99% sir" Jerald said.
Influence, heh. This was the government's control over the whole world. War, politics, all of it, it's all a scam. It's just like a television show, all fake. The government had control over the simple minded, The only people truly unattached to this world are free-minders; People like me, and people like Chance. Us free minders are connected to the vast ocean, you know, the very same thing we use to transport. It's because this connection we aren't considered apart of this world, thus not being influenced by it. The same rules apply to the gatekeepers, but what separates us from them is that free-minders not only have invincibility, but also gain some kind of ability. For example: Chance had the ability to control explosives, such as missiles. Although I'm also different. I'm man made. I'm the counter to all free-minders. I gain power from each teleportation. Every sacrifice a gatekeeper makes, the peoples souls flow to me. Every time I sacrifice a soul I can kill a free-minder but at a cost of a persons soul. After performing this action, I die too, but am reborn within the facility, also known as home base.

Why would the government do this? I asked this question many times. It's because rather than having many people mentally scared it's just one, it lower P.T.S.D rates and many other mental illnesses. Good for them, bad for me. It's a messed up world.

As I got to my room the bed invited me. I jumped on it, ready for rest. It must'n have been time for that though. The gatekeeper Samantha had walked in.

"Hello Gates" She said
"Hey what's up?" I said
"What's wrong?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Yes you're face says it all"
"I feel I went a little overboard. I feel bad, playing mind games and all with him"
"You saved him though. That's one less soul talking to you"
"Maybe, but killing him wouldn't have been the best idea"
"He couldn't have come back then. You have nothing to fear once who cannot die"
"Well that's the thing" I mummered.
"What?" She asked.
"Come here, sit"I said

She grabbed her monster head. She tore her first head off, which looked painful, but there was no scream. Her true beauty revealed. Her second face, her human face, she had luscious blonde hair that flowed so perfectly down her head. I was caught dumbfounded looking at her.

"What? I've gotta get comfortable"

She sat right next to me. To not let my voice escape the room.

"I can't die, but something weird is happening" I said
"Weird?" She wondered.
"Yes the last two times I died something weird happened. The first time I wasn't for sure but the second time I was for sure something happened. It's hard to explain, but it's like I'm loosing parts of myself, or who I am. Eventually will I become an empty husk?"
"We better not tell anyone"
"You act like they don't know, they must, this has to be the reason why us gate protectors get replaced every so many years"
"So is that why you didn't do it"
"Yeah exactly and I have to continue not to for my own well being"
"Eventually you'll have to-"
"Sh! Sh! I know just don't say it please. Make it easy for me"
"ok-" She said.

After that she left. Yeah It may have been wrong. The truth is I'll live a lie a little longer before facing the real demons luring around.

To Be Continued......
