Demon's Broken Promise Abyssinia | Ash Wolves | Stealth Specialist.

Lila Renn

Hell on Earth.
View attachment 7231
Age: 23

Gender: Female.

Race: Human.

Rank: (I don't know what rank she would count as, So I'll leave that up to @happydeath to decide.)

Role: Ash Wolves.

Thermal vision light-weight sniper.
Abyssinia designed this to go with her usual equipment. Often going for light, weaker weapons than straight up carrying a machine gun into battle. It helps her see in the dark and identify targets that would otherwise remain undiscovered.

Energised combat sword.
Quite light and fast. This sword is able to cut through almost anything. It can shoot blasts of plasma at her opponents. Though the plasma is only enough to stun the target. It's downside is that it often has to be recharged.

Throwing knifes.
Abyssinia has various throwing knifes on her body, plasma burning within them. When they hit anything solid, they explode outwards.

Passive abilites:
Inhuman strength: Able to lift almost anything despite her lithe build. She still prefers light-weight weapons though.

Inhuman Speed: Able to run at the speed of sound. Although using that rather than her normal speed will leave her extremely tired after around thirty seconds.

Active Abilities:

Plasma generation / Manipulation.

Allows her to summon plasma from seemingly nothing. A large ball of plasma would drain her though. The plasma is extremely hot and can burn through most materials. She has various throwing knifes on her body, plasma sparkling inside of them. Despite all of this, she joined the Ash Wolves to achieve her own goals. And she does not like anyone in the slightest. She just acts like she does, no one has yet to see through her demeanor.

Her friends.

Not being able to sleep.
Boring people.
Most Black-cross members.
The thought of Death.

Abyssinia is quite laid back and calm, often going for the easier method than the harder one. She is quite lazy unless it comes to something she deems important. Abyssinia hates demons and anything to do with them, like most Ash Wolves. She would do anything for her friends.

Bio: W.I.P

Extra: Her plasma is Red. Strange.
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