Alternate Universe Superheroes AND Villains


Active Member
I was thinking it would be cool to do a RP with comic book cannon characters....but all of them would be from an alternate universe. Their stories would be completely different than the (Cannon versions) of themselves.
So basically, you would be able to play them in anyway that you felt inspired to do so.
And original characters would also be welcomed as well.

Good guys could now be bad guys and vice versa. All depending on what you'd like to do.
And the Golden Rule would be simple.....RESPECT each member of the group.

Battles would be decided by votes. The character that gets the most votes out of 6 members wins the battle.

Anyone breaking the RESPECT RULE will at first be warned. Then banned for 3 days if it continues.
If that doesn't curb the behavior the next time will be one week. After that....expelled from the group.

What would the goal of the story be? Simple.....(Free flowing). Be creative and see who will follow your lead.
Or strike out on your own and set up your own business operations, schemes, or empires. Become a vigilante or form a league of heroes or villains. The skies the least for some. lol

Anyway after we have at least 4 or more, we could set up an (Open World Hero/Villain post) and get the RP rolling. Anyone wanting to join afterwards will still be able to join the action.

Interested parties....simply say that you are interested and post character information about both of the characters that you would be portraying.
There will be no more than either TWO cannon character or TWO original character OR one of each, for each member. And if a member takes TWO cannon characters ONE must be a hero and the other must be a villain.

I just came up with this idea on the any advise, more than welcome.

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