The Ishmus of Souls Anthony/Claire


With blood comes life, with life comes death.
Keeper Name, Age:
Anthony Gilman (Anton), 18

Keeper Personality, Appearance, and Characteristics:
Slightly long, unkempt black hair brushed to one side from the front. He is tall, scrawny figure, usually seen slouching while he is seated or walking.

Anthony is usually a more reserved student out in public, but opens up when with people he is more familiar with. Even with friends and family, he would usually be off to a side listening to conversations or once in a while mumbling to contribute to the conversation. He dislikes attention and finds meeting new people uncomfortable, and often stays away from the center of action. Anthony never took a particular interest in anything, living a "do whatever needs to be done" life. He could be lethargic on bad days, but rarely shows enthusiasm on a good one.

To kill time, Anton would usually watch whatever is on the TV or participate in seminars or find online videos for his primary interest, metallurgy/crafting. He has a small workshop built in the backyard of his family's house.

Keeper Backstory and Background:
Anthony is a student in the public school West Breeze High School. He is an average student among his peers, with nothing special about him personally.

Anthony works as a freelance blacksmith whenever he has time to waste. He covers repairing things for his household or works on his own independent projects. However, his time in school has always hindered him from taking up jobs pertaining to crafting.

Anton currently with his mother and father. He has a younger brother, grade 5, attending Rocky Peak Elementary. His relationship with the rest of his family is fair, but somewhat distant.

Familiar Name/Alias:
Claire Constantine

Familiar Personality, Appearance, and Characteristics:
Long black hair with black eyes. Easily vexed and normally impassive, her tone is usually lackluster and unconversational. Her morals are questionable at times, but usually are conveyed through questions instead of suggestions. She is bold and commanding, and though she does not act like it, is loyal at heart.

Familiar Skillset:
Claire uses guns, and specializes in the dual wielding of pistols. She uses light manipulation to her advantage (to be expanded on).
Chester Gilman, age 10
Anthony's little brother. He currently attends grade school and is often placed under Anton's supervision, under the request of his parents. Chester is curious and obnoxious-- quite different from his older brother. Even though Anton often acts annoyed towards his brother, he genuinely cares about Chester a good deal.

Patrick Gilman, age 40
An ever so busy man, Patrick often is unable to spend time with the members of his family. However, the time he manages squeeze in is precious, and the Gilman make sure to treasure it. Patrick is kind, but often shows up frustrated after long work days. He sometimes vents his frustration on his sons, particularly Anton.

Tracy Gilman, age 42
Anthony's mom. Understanding and compassionate, Tracy always wants to see Anthony grow up into the man she expects him to be. She often will be there to give gentle pushes in the direction that she feels is right. She is skeptical of Anthony's passion in crafting, but tentatively offers him her support.

Lesser NPCs
Edward Rivero, age 18
Anthony's best friend. The leader of their clique.
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