Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Artaratoryx's Omniverse Characters


Name: T-RIV
Species: Robot

T-RIV was originally created 1678 years ago by a plane traveling wizard named Herindam. Herindam knew very little magic for a wizard; his main source of power resided within gadgets collected in the thousands of worlds he had visited. Among these were objects of magical power, and technology from far-futures. T-RIV's purpose was to collect these gadgets for Herindam, who had begun to grow tired of the endless adventure in his old age. T-RIV has visited millions of worlds in his time in our universe, and still holds many of the trinkets he took from them on his person. 1652 years ago, T-RIV returned home from an expedition to an advanced but abandoned society, only to find his master dead. T-RIV was created with a powerful artificial intelligence and personality, but the base of his programming would never change. And so T-RIV went off to travel between countless planes of time and existence, adding, using, and ridding the endless supply of trinkets he found. Eventually he reaches Westeria City, drawn in by its varied culture, and the possibilities it could contain for his collection.

Can identify the properties of most technological objects
Has dozens of small compartments covered by metal plating, so it appears they are not there
Has boosters in his feet that only work for a short distance.
Has a gatling gun that shoots lasers, but it must be charged for 24 hours after use.
Has self repairing devices installed

Laser gun, pistol
Ring that creates forcefield, 3 charges
Katana that mends itself when broken
Whistle that temporarily stuns all but user when blowed
A bag of tiny breakable pellets, that when shattered will emit random something (fire, gas, needles)
Herindam's book of magic, of which T-RIV can't use

Notes: While T-RIV is a poor fighter, he is an excellent shot with a gun.