Battle for the Vatican (Short Story, Humorous)


Active Member
The story will start in the post below. I wrote this story as a humorous adaptation of an even that happened prior to and rp i had worldbuilded. (Located here)

This is meant to be humorous and any offense is not meant.

I will post it in parts.
Battle for The Vatican

The Dragon let loose a torrent of flame burning a building to cinders. The Pope looked around at the bodies of the 5 members of his guard that chose to stay with him to buy time for the others to escape. He looked towards the Dragon that had landed a few meters in front of him, as he started walking towards the dragon he spoke” So it has come to this, thank you my children for buying time for the innocents, I shall join you soon enough.” After he finished speaking he drew the Sword of Saint Christopher from his waist and started moving faster towards the beast. While his frame seemed frail, he moved with a resolve and spryness belying his age, towards the beast that harmed his children.

The dragon let loose a torrent of air this time, almost blowing the Pope of his feet, but he pushed forward, his cassock plastered against his firm but thin frame. The dragon then let out a few snorts, almost seeming to chuckle at this pitiful yet resolved human, it let out another gout of flame, but instead of hitting the Pope it formed into several shapes, some reminiscent of Demons. They rushed at his Holiness, who swung the sword through them, but as they started to reform they vanished. The dragon seeing this flew up and circled back around. As the Dragon swooped down at him, the Pope ran towards it, over a pile of rubble and jumped off, swinging his sword at the same time, glinting with the suns rays.

As he veritably flew through the air towards the dragon, it let loose a snort of air. It buffeted the man around blowing him away before he could strike his foe. The Dragon let loose a chuckle like sound before swooping down at its unprotected prey.
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