Becoming the Monster.

Name: Emilia Lang



Appearance (Human):
Emilia always drew the eyes of others even well before the RIEP caused her to grow to a striking six foot seven. Her body, thin and toned, seems to complement her increased stature and her wheat colored hair falling just past her shoulders. Bright blue eyes and a winning smile brighten an otherwise plain face.

Appearance (Kaiju):
Nachzehrer is the result of a rather concerted effort to create a more human Kaiju from its shifter, and while the effort certainly shows the form is far from a comforting sight. The bipedal giant with ragged golden hair, haunting blue eyes, and a maw of fangs almost permanently curled into a twisted smile is a warped facsimile of Emilia herself. Four long, narrow arms taper into hands with claws that appear as if they could rend steel. Ultimately, in an attempt to create a weapon that could be a poster child for the program they created something more disturbing than its more monstrous counterparts.

Kaiju Traits:

  • Claws that Rend: Long, curved claws attached to slender fingers. With a bit of clever application, they could certain cut deeply into any foe.
  • Arms that Tear: Four muscular arms each with great strength.
  • Agile: One of the fastest and most nimble Kaiju, owed entirely to its slender and gainly form.
  • Crushing Bite: A mouth full of razor sharp teeth backed with a powerful jaw.
  • Voice that Cuts: Capable of rough vocalizations that are extremely painful to observers. Can stun and disorient.

Emilia is confident, capable, and more than loud enough to make sure everyone knows it. If its possible, she can do it and even if it isn't she bets she could probably pull it off anyway. She sees her fellow shifters as more of a hinderance than as actual teammates. She can sort this mess out on her own.

Emilia was born and raised in Southern Germany near the wall. With the wall looming over her she felt a great pull to discover the world beyond it. With that goal on mind she pushed herself to become a walker pilot for years, doimg everything she could to prepare herself for the task until a new, greater oppurtunity presented itself. She was discovered as a suitable candidate for the RIEP program and when the team came to collect her they where suprised to find a girl that was not only willing, but excited to join.

Attempting to create a more human shifter she was given genes from two bipedal kaiju. One with several too many pairs of arms and the other being more reptilian. The experiment was deemed a partial success as Nachzehrer takes far more after Emilia than either if the twi kaiju it takes its genetics frim, but the final result is still far from resembling a person.
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Alright, got that knocked out on my phone while at work, so its probably kinda short and full of typos. Let me know what I gotta fix.
Sorry, been worrying bout my exam results the last few days. Now that everything's settled, I'll get around to posting.
Dude, what failed shifters? I mean, Emilia definitely doesn't remember anything about the twenty other people that went into that building with her and seemed to never come out.


On another note, what was thay process like for the shifters? What woild they remember about it?
Well the failed ones occured before the process of recruitment began, as they had yet to isolate the gene or perfect the serum. They would test it on subjects, possibly other people, and those subjects would either die horrifically or turn into particularly weak, mindless Kaiju that were swiftly put down.

If you're reffering to the process where they were injected with the RIEP Serum, they wouldn't remember much. They would be either taken forcefully or show up at the nearest testing facility, be placed inside and then drugged by doctors and scientists. From there, it's simply darkness interrupted by incredible pain as they awaken, before being placed under again.

They would wake up in a hospital bed about a day later, pain gone but feeling rather sore. From there, they were given a chance to say goodbye (if they had cooperated), a chance to get used to their powers and then are shipped off to thw Watchtower.
Name: Damien Johnson.
Age: 21
Codename: The Angel of Death.
Appearance (Human): Damien stands at 6'0 and is of slight muscular build, his black hair just sits under his ears and is usually slicked back exsposing his emerald eyes. His attire usually contists of a pair of balck jeans, a black pair of combat boots, a black slinglet that fit perfectly over his chest and is acompanied by a trench coat it ripped the sleeves off.
Appearance (Kaiju): Damien's Kaiju is of lycanthorpe but with big dragon like wings, His skin is both a mixture of fur and scales to help him survive any envirmont he maybe thrown in to, his claws are a little longer then most preive to be a normal lenght for a lycanthorpe's claws. Due to being a mixture of Dragon and Wolf Damien has two horns situatated just behind his ears. Damien also has red glowing eyes.
Kaiju Traits:
Flight- Due to Damiens wings his has the ability to fly above his enemy and let out a lashing swipe and also allow distance to calculate the next attack.
Lashing Swipe- Damiens Exstended claws he can unleash deadly scratches and rip into the enemies skin.
Fire Breath - Being part dragon allows Damien to breath fire from a long distance.
Shadow Manipulation- Damien can manipulate any dark part of the battlefield to help him hide for enough time to help him regain his energy.
Hardened Skin - The scales that are underneith Damiens fur will allow him to have some protection when in heavy battle.
Personality: Damiens reckless personality can get him into trouble sometimes but when it comes time to fight he will be deadly sirious, when it comes to fight nothing matters more to him then protecting those he cares about. Although reckless he has a good heart and will be the most loyal friend you can ask for, his recklessness has also taught him many lessions that he doesn't want anyone to learn the hard way.

Backstory: Hailing from what used to be known as Sydney, Australia. Damien has known nothing but the miliatry for as long as he could remember, both his parents lost their lives trying to battle the Kaiju, which left Damien in care of his parents comanding officer. Which meant Damien had to fend for himself when the CO was stationed away from a couple of months. It wasn't until it came time for him to take the exam to see if his DNA was stable enough from the Kaiju injection that started to straighten up and concentract on making his parents proud, The lycan can from his loyality and strength and the Dragon from the wisdom he has gained through the life lessons.
Is this still open? May I join in?
Yep, still open as of right now. To be honest i'm doing this pretty loosely and the general setting allows for people to come and go at really any point.

Name: Damien Johnson.
Age: 21
Codename: The Angel of Death.
Appearance (Human): Damien stands at 6'0 and is of slight muscular build, his black hair just sits under his ears and is usually slicked back exsposing his emerald eyes. His attire usually contists of a pair of balck jeans, a black pair of combat boots, a black slinglet that fit perfectly over his chest and is acompanied by a trench coat it ripped the sleeves off.
Appearance (Kaiju): Damien's Kaiju is of lycanthorpe but with big dragon like wings, His skin is both a mixture of fur and scales to help him survive any envirmont he maybe thrown in to, his claws are a little longer then most preive to be a normal lenght for a lycanthorpe's claws. Due to being a mixture of Dragon and Wolf Damien has two horns situatated just behind his ears. Damien also has red glowing eyes.
Kaiju Traits:
Flight- Due to Damiens wings his has the ability to fly above his enemy and let out a lashing swipe and also allow distance to calculate the next attack.
Lashing Swipe- Damiens Exstended claws he can unleash deadly scratches and rip into the enemies skin.
Fire Breath - Being part dragon allows Damien to breath fire from a long distance.
Shadow Manipulation- Damien can manipulate any dark part of the battlefield to help him hide for enough time to help him regain his energy.
Hardened Skin - The scales that are underneith Damiens fur will allow him to have some protection when in heavy battle.
Personality: Damiens reckless personality can get him into trouble sometimes but when it comes time to fight he will be deadly sirious, when it comes to fight nothing matters more to him then protecting those he cares about. Although reckless he has a good heart and will be the most loyal friend you can ask for, his recklessness has also taught him many lessions that he doesn't want anyone to learn the hard way.

Backstory: Hailing from what used to be known as Sydney, Australia. Damien has known nothing but the miliatry for as long as he could remember, both his parents lost their lives trying to battle the Kaiju, which left Damien in care of his parents comanding officer. Which meant Damien had to fend for himself when the CO was stationed away from a couple of months. It wasn't until it came time for him to take the exam to see if his DNA was stable enough from the Kaiju injection that started to straighten up and concentract on making his parents proud, The lycan can from his loyality and strength and the Dragon from the wisdom he has gained through the life lessons.
Aight, lemme see here.

Pretty edgy, but hey, if that's how ya wanna roll it. I've got no problems with your abilities, however what I am concerned about is the general spelling and grammar involved in the sheet, or lack there of. Also, codenames are only a single word long. They're closer to literal names, instead of titles.

Another thing is that Australia never made it to the point where they could participate in the RIEP. A few boats managed to limp their way to safe zones, but the majority of the place was completely demolished during the first week of the invasion.
Clyde Koch
Appearance (Human):
Most people agree Clyde’s defining feature is his height as he stands at a whopping 7 feet 8 inches making him quite easily to spot in a crowd. He has a very lanky body, his limbs comparable to that of twigs. His eyes are a dark shade of green, like that of an avocado skin, and most of the time they are staring off into space. His hair is a copper sort of brown, unable to decide if it wants to be brown or orange, and he normally leaves it alone, giving him a overal scruffy look. His hair is extremely messy, in a perpetual bedhead despite Clyde’s best efforts to tame it. On his face he has very short stubble, though he is unable to grow a beard. His skin is almost paper white, though he has a slight farmers tan. He is normally found wearing a worn down button up polo shirt faded red in colour, he also has a nice pair of bell bottom jeans and a leather belt. He is rarely caught in anything other than tennis shoes, his shoe laces nearly always untied.
Appearance (Kaiju):
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((I stink at describing so I just drew him as well))
His body becomes much bulkier though but much and his skin takes on a much more leathery feel as it is replaced with oval scales of a Tan green colour. He has the muzzle of a Crocodile though it is considerably smaller than a normal Crocodile though it isn’t the least bit less deadly. His eyes morph together and become that of a Dragonfly, wrapping around his head like a helmet, a bright purple in colour. He grows another set of arms each arm lizardlike in nature and ending in a set of sharp claws. He usually walks on 2 legs but he is able to walk on 4, it is just uncomfortable for him. His wings are a clear colour with black and white spots going all the way down them. His tail is thin and narrow and he uses it to keep his balance in flight.
Kaiju Traits:
Despite his size he is actually rather light meaning the set of insect wings on his back are actually able to lift his body. Like an actual dragonfly he is extremely maneuverable in the air, able to take sharp turns and change direction with ease.
360 vision
Because his eyes form like a helmet around his head he sees everything in small pieces, he is able to see all around him at once.
Iron grip
Once he has something in his jaws he never lets go, and it is nigh impossible to escape his grip.
He is very swift on both the ground and in the air. He is able to run 30mp for elongated periods of time and if needed he can move at 50mph for a very short amount of time, using this as a sort of failsafe. In the air he is even quicker and his thin form and flexibility makes for a good dodger, though he is clumsy on the ground.
Jaws of Steel
Being part Crocodile his jaws are extremely strong being able to shut them with 3 times the strength of a normal Crocodile. This means he can close his jaws with just over 10,000 PSI.
((I just want to give a warning that when I write personalities the characters tend to not act like them. I prefer to build up my characters as I go. Plus I suck at writing personalities))
Clyde tends to stick to himself preferring to read a book or maybe even drawing instead of talking with others. Once you get him going though it can be nigh impossible to shut him, especially if you get him talking about insects. He will sometimes find himself staring into space lost in thought which will sometimes last several minutes, and he is known to give very off topic suggestions without warning. Despite his almost oblivious nature Clyde understands and notices much more than he lets on. He can be really secretive at times and he normally hides his more serious side from others, it only showing in extremely stressful situations.
Clyde lived in Hamburg all of his life, his family being lucky enough to be on the farthest reaches of Germany and away from inhabitable areas. Clyde was an entomology and he spent most of his time in a lab studying insects though this all changed when his town was ravaged by a large Crocodile Kaiju, tearing nearly the entire town down. Lucky enough for him he was far enough away not to be affected but his parents had been severely injured. Both of them managed to get to the hospital but his mother died in her hospital bed and his father could barely walk. Clyde quit his job to focus his life on taking care of his father who also died a month later, having nothin else to do with himself he offered himself up to be tested on. He chose to have his DNA spliced with a Crocodile like the one that had attacked his family and a a Dragonfly, well a Twelve-Spotted Dragon fly to be specific. He had hoped that by combining these two he would end up as a sort of dragon like hybrid.​
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Clyde Koch
Appearance (Human):
Most people agree Clyde’s defining feature is his height as he stands at a whopping 7 feet 8 inches making him quite easily to spot in a crowd. He has a very lanky body, his limbs comparable to that of twigs. His eyes are a dark shade of green, like that of an avocado skin, and most of the time they are staring off into space. His hair is a copper sort of brown, unable to decide if it wants to be brown or orange, and he normally leaves it alone, giving him a overal scruffy look. His hair is extremely messy, in a perpetual bedhead despite Clyde’s best efforts to tame it. On his face he has very short stubble, though he is unable to grow a beard. His skin is almost paper white, though he has a slight farmers tan. He is normally found wearing a worn down button up polo shirt faded red in colour, he also has a nice pair of bell bottom jeans and a leather belt. He is rarely caught in anything other than tennis shoes, his shoe laces nearly always untied.
Appearance (Kaiju):
View attachment 2078
((I stink at describing so I just drew him as well))
His body becomes much bulkier though but much and his skin takes on a much more leathery feel as it is replaced with oval scales of a Tan green colour. He has the muzzle of a Crocodile though it is considerably smaller than a normal Crocodile though it isn’t the least bit less deadly. His eyes morph together and become that of a Dragonfly, wrapping around his head like a helmet, a bright purple in colour. He grows another set of arms each arm lizardlike in nature and ending in a set of sharp claws. He usually walks on 2 legs but he is able to walk on 4, it is just uncomfortable for him. His wings are a clear colour with black and white spots going all the way down them. His tail is thin and narrow and he uses it to keep his balance in flight.
Kaiju Traits:
Despite his size he is actually rather light meaning the set of insect wings on his back are actually able to lift his body. Like an actual dragonfly he is extremely maneuverable in the air, able to take sharp turns and change direction with ease.
360 vision
Because his eyes form like a helmet around his head he sees everything in small pieces, he is able to see all around him at once.
Iron grip
Once he has something in his jaws he never lets go, and it is nigh impossible to escape his grip.
Endless energy
He is able to go several days without sleep and function normally but he does still need to sleep. This does not mean he is energetic just that he has a lot of energy.
Jaws of Steel
Being part Crocodile his jaws are extremely strong being able to shut them with 3 times the strength of a normal Crocodile. This means he can close his jaws with just over 10,000 PSI.
((I just want to give a warning that when I write personalities the characters tend to not act like them. I prefer to build up my characters as I go. Plus I suck at writing personalities))
Clyde tends to stick to himself preferring to read a book or maybe even drawing instead of talking with others. Once you get him going though it can be nigh impossible to shut him, especially if you get him talking about insects. He will sometimes find himself staring into space lost in thought which will sometimes last several minutes, and he is known to give very off topic suggestions without warning. Despite his almost oblivious nature Clyde understands and notices much more than he lets on. He can be really secretive at times and he normally hides his more serious side from others, it only showing in extremely stressful situations.
Clyde lived in Hamburg all of his life, his family being lucky enough to be on the farthest reaches of Germany and away from inhabitable areas. Clyde was an entomology and he spent most of his time in a lab studying insects though this all changed when his town was ravaged by a large Crocodile Kaiju, tearing nearly the entire town down. Lucky enough for him he was far enough away not to be affected but his parents had been severely injured. Both of them managed to get to the hospital but his mother died in her hospital bed and his father could barely walk. Clyde quit his job to focus his life on taking care of his father who also died a month later, having nothin else to do with himself he offered himself up to be tested on. He chose to have his DNA spliced with a Crocodile like the one that had attacked his family and a a Dragonfly, well a Twelve-Spotted Dragon fly to be specific. He had hoped that by combining these two he would end up as a sort of dragon like hybrid.​
Looks good! I like the pic!

Although, are you sure you want Endless Energy as a trait? Long stretches of Kaiju form may happen, but often times shifters will revert to Human form after the mission is complete.
Looks good! I like the pic!

Although, are you sure you want Endless Energy as a trait? Long stretches of Kaiju form may happen, but often times shifters will revert to Human form after the mission is complete.
Yah, now that I think about it, I have a better trait in mind. I am going to change it to agile if that is alright. Is this better?
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