Brighten Someone's Day

Must I? I usually just abuse birdee10 :(

I suppose I shall try my best!




(does the absence of being mean count as nice?)




Oh! I know! You make a very nice roast :) <3

(teasing aside, you're a very genuinely good natured person, which I've always liked about you)
:D Alara likes me!
Yes Birdees are only fed the finest of cheetos and never have to move of their own accord so the meat is cheesy and tender.
Now I suppose I must be kind back? Eh... Your horns.... they're every... Oh, what's a good way to describe them? Ah! Your horns are very goaty! *Nods, her job being done*

(You work so hard for everyone here and your so creative, I hope that perhaps one day I can be more like you ^.^)
the blue bird! now I can walk in a winter wonder land! thank you! you also look cuddly.
Look after yourself, and don't expect yourself to please everyone you see-- you're worth the effort, and you're the best when you're being yourself!
Brightening, but a little perplexing.

You're a very eccentric person I need to get to know better.