MANiKiN Character Spots and Descriptions

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Main Characters

The Checkered

This is the defense force of Utopia. They are both feared and loved by the people of the city, but it is understood that they must do their job, else they could face the same punishment.

♚ THE KING ♂ Taken

"And by us I mean you guys because I've already met my quota."

Leader of The Checkered
Lazy/makes others do the hard work due to entitlement
Prefers making strategies over fighting, but is the most powerful
Good guy deep down, but picks on other members out of habit

♛ THE QUEEN ♀ Taken

"If you can't do it then get out of the way, and go be useless elsewhere."

Second in command of The Checkered
Very blunt, but gets embarrassed easily
Almost as powerful as the King
Follows the King's orders blindly, but looks down on the other members

♜ THE ROOK ♂ Taken

"Fuck it! I'm going in!"

Close combat, melee weapons
Acts before he thinks leaving others at risk
Often disobeys the Kings orders
Sort of carefree, thinks about self attitude

♝ THE BISHOP ♀ Taken

"As long as I don't see their faces."

Long range, bows and guns
Can't stand to see faces of dolls she kills
Quiet and reserved, possibly due to past
Will only open up to those she's closest with

♞ THE KNIGHT ♂ Taken

"Why do I have to be in charge of those freaks?!?"

Is in charge of watching over ("babysit") the pawns, and sees them as a burden
Kind of a slacker, would rather attack once he's attacked
Can do both long and close range attacks
Women chaser, and can't fight women even if they're dolls

"I have a job I must do now move."

"Just because I'm a freak doesn't mean you get to treat me poorly!"

Lowest ranking member of The Checkered, and are looked down upon by the other members, and the commoners are weary of them
Are undergoing a very slow MANiKiN transformation, and have been for the last several months
Hate the fact that they have to be watched over by the Knight
Are trained in both long and close range combat to defend themselves while being used as bait

The Suits are an anti-Utopia government group that disagree with the self-elected government party, and the heavy restrictions they place on the citizens of the city. They've been known to aid The Checkered in an emergency, but are otherwise in conflict with them. They are seen as rebel commoners by the government.

♠ THE SPADE ♂Taken

"I have to make things right for them."

Leader of The Suits
Not completely opposed to the laws, but feels that the commoners should have more freedom
Had a family member killed during a punishment, which the government denies ever happening
Will continue to fight until he has his revenge


"Don't you just love the sound of death in the night?"

Second in command of the Suits, theory that he killed the previous title holder
Very sadistic in nature as he enjoys torturing and killing both dolls and humans
Often found taking to himself which creates distance between him and the other members
Could care less about the government and their laws

♣ THE CLUB ♀Taken

"That sounds like a challenge!"

Rival of the Rook
Leaves fighting minor opponents to the other members of the group
Battle-happy, and is looking for a worth opponent
Is well mannered for the most part, but can lose her temper easily

♥ THE HEART ♂Taken

"I don't understand why we must fight each other."

More of a pacifist than a fighter, only fights when neccessary
Would rather talk things out than fight
Joined The Suits to help the commoners, and show the government how they're wrong
Sort of an underground healer

The Puppeteers are a group of Dolls that have somehow retained some sense of humanity even after their transformations occurred. Out of spite, they plot to end the reign of humanity and plunge the world into a world of dolls.

☰ HEAVEN ♀ Taken

"I must know how this works so that I can have control."

Leader of the Puppeteers, and self-proclaimed ruler of the dolls
Loves to torture the humans she captures, and uses them for doll experiments
Has a high interest in the Pawns
Long range fighter due to frail body

☱ LAKE ♂Taken

"I am her's and her's alone."

Heaven's personal bodyguard, strongest of the Puppeteers
Does just about everything for Heaven
Doesn't talk much, just does as told to by Heaven
Looks down, and doesn't trust the other Puppeteers

☲ FIRE ♀ Taken

"Would you get out of my lighting, you're making me look bad!!!"

Could careless about what everyone else thinks
Was a fashionista, or had some form of modeling fame as a human
Very selfish, and only cares about her
Is constantly looking for things that will make her look pretty in her new ("ugly") doll form

☳ THUNDER ♂Taken

*Loud boisterous laugh* "Bow before pitiful creatures!"

Couldn't be stealthy to save his life due to his loud and boisterous nature
Sees the remaining humans as weak, and that they should just give up
Wants to infect the rest of the humans due to his painful past
Gets along with Fire, and tries to impress her with his large vocabulary

☴ WIND ♂

"I just don't see why we must change them is all."

Very laid back, easy going, happy, and supportive of the other Puppeteers
Doesn't see the point in infecting the rest of the humans, and would probably betray the Puppeteers if given a reason
Secretly placed under watch of Mountain by order of Heaven because she sees him as misfit which she calls him often
Stayed with the Puppeteers because he wanted to fit in somewhere, and because of his crush on Fire that he'd never admit to

☵ WATER ♀ Taken

"I don't understand why we must infect them, but if Heaven says it's for the better than it must be!"

Happy, bubbly, kind girl who is very good friends with Wind, and would probably do anything he said
Naively believes and does anything Heaven says because she thinks that she's her best friend that would never lie to her, and is only doing what is best for the world
Is very bad at combat, and relies on others to help her
Doesn't understand why she needs to infect or fight the humans because she thinks death is sad


"She's the only thing that matters to me now."

Is the older brother of Earth, and feels that he must protect her
Has a sister complex, and his constantly watching over her when he's not spying on Wind for Heaven
Resents the humans, and wants to infect them so that his sister will accept their fate
Only fights when he needs to


"Would you get off of me, and just leave me alone!"

Is the little sister of Mountain, and hates how he smothers her
Is very kind and gently, but knows how to hold her own
Wishes not to harm the humans because she believes its not their fault she's a doll
Would love to leave the Puppeteers, but knows she can't because of her brother

Everyone is welcome to make a commoner in Utopia once the main character spots have been filled. If a Human main character is to die then they will be replace by a commoner if it is appropriate to do so in the story line. Note that if you are selected to fill that roll you are expected to edit you commoner's character sheet to be the Main Character one.

Commoners played by:
Unavailable until Main Characters spots have been filled
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