Fanfiction Child of the Multiverse

Neko Shogun

A floofy kitteh
The Convergence Series GM

Although eleven-year-old Ilona was born as a Princess of Arendelle, being a princess was never meant to be her fate. Born with a power she can't understand, young Ilona frequently teleports all across time and space to different places in the vast multiverse. Having no control over this ability, she can never stay in one place for too long and almost never finds herself able to return home. This is a story about Ilona's troublesome life growing up away from home and the many misadventures she stumbles into.

This story is canon to The Convergence Series and can also be found listed here on my blog.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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Chapter 1

Like my parents before me, I have been a part of the Murder Games. In fact, I was probably part of them before I was even really old enough to understand what a Murder Game was. I was still a little girl after I had experienced my first one, an eleven-year-old who wanted more than anything to go home like the others had after the game was over.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans for me.

It was so long ago, I can't exactly recall what I said, but I remembered saying goodbye to my dear friend Minato after the end of the Fiamma Incident without even the chance to finish my words before my uncontrollable power of teleportation whisked me away to another location. I was in awe when I arrived, finding myself back home in Arendelle--or so I thought.

Something wasn’t right.

From the moment I teleported away, I found myself face-to-face with a creature known as Hypno, a pokémon with the ability to hypnotize whomever it pleased. It was only later I would discover that a Hypno had been known to do this before...


...but what the residents of that world didn't know was that I wasn't the only child it had taken. There were five of us, all kept in a cave the Hyno guarded during the day. After the sun would set, however, and night would approach, the Hyno would guide us out of the cave and sent us into town to steal from and hurt people. We weren't even aware we were doing these things. All five of us were blissfully trapped in illusions, entirely lost in Hyno's spell. I was the first one to awaken.

On the day I awoke I remember the morning sun streaming into the cave where we were being held captive. I saw a bunch of children around me, lying asleep, and the Hypno itself standing outside of the cave. Remembering nothing about what had happened, I opened my mouth to ask either one of the children or the Hypno where I was only to be cut off by a voice inside my head.

"Don't speak Ilona. I'll explain what's going on."

I blinked, glancing around with a baffled expression as I tried to figure out who had spoken to me.


"So very odd! There's a voice inside my head! Who art thou?"

Again I would hear the voice.

"I'm a friend. I know your name because I've been watching your dreams. Like I said before, don't say a word and don't panic either. Everything will be okay. Just let me explain what's going on."

I nodded, waiting to hear what the voice had to say.

"You appeared in this world one day and were kidnapped by a creature called a pokémon. It's name is Hypno. It's kept you asleep in a dream world, under its spell. Its been using you and some other children to steal and do other bad things to the town nearby. But I found you and woke you up. I'm going to help you escape!"

I frowned, glancing to the other children. "Are you going to help them too?"

"I wish I could, but I can't wake them up like I could wake you. Their minds are not as strong as yours."

"What about me? I'm in here so I could wake them up..."

"No, don't do that Ilona. If you wake them up they'll only panic and catch the Hypno's attention. I can't talk to them mentally like I could with you to keep you calm. We will be able to save them, but you have to trust me and listen to everything I say. I'm going to tell you how you can sneak out of the cave..."

I shook my head. "N-No! We can't just leave them! I'll wake them up and they can escape with me! We'll all do it together."

"No, Ilona you can't! Please listen to m--"

I rushed toward each child, roughly shaking them by the shoulders. "Wake up, you've been kidnapped and we're going to escape! Hurry!" I told them, trying to keep my voice as quiet as I could. As each child woke up one by one, I immediately regretted my choice.

"Huh, where are we?

"This doesn't look like my house..."

"I'm scared, I want my mommy!"

The voice in my head had been right. The children began to talk loudly and even panic about their strange surroundings, catching the Hypno's attention at once. It menacingly ran towards us, shooting a beam of psychic energy forth from the pendulum it held. The children screamed, as did I.

It was in that moment, as if sensing that I was in danger, my power to teleport activated and sent me somewhere else. In the blink of an eye I found myself standing at a far distance, watching same cave I had been inside of only moments ago.

The Hypno attacked the children with waves of psychic energy. While it didn't look like much, the children screamed as if they were in great pain. Unable to bare the sight of this, I turned and ran. I ran as fast and as far as I could until my feet started hurting. It was then I spotted a sight of great relief: a town in the distance.

"Oh praise the Sun, it's a town!" I exclaimed, running toward it immediately.

"If I find some people, surely they will help these children!"

Breaking into my thoughts once more, I could hear the same voice from earlier.

"Don't go into that town, Ilona. These people will not welcome you!"

Ignoring the voice, I rushed into town and began to approach various people, to try and explain my situation. To my surprise, those I spoke to either told me to go home or to leave them alone. Eventually, I even ran into people who treated me worse.

"Wait a minute, isn't she one of the kids who's been going around robbing everyone?"

"You're right, she's one of those street rats!"

"She stole from me only just yesterday! Someone catch that kid!"

I took several steps back from the people, biting my lower lip as a small group of them suddenly surrounded me. When I tried to run they began to chase after me, some of them even pelting me with rocks and fruit. I was on the brink of tears when one of them finally caught up to me, grabbing me by the arm. Before I could even face this person, however, I found myself gone once again. My power to teleport had brought me a good ways outside of town, leaving my chasers far behind. Afterwards, I dropped to my knees and worked to catch my breath.


"M-Mother, Father, I'm scared. This place has a lot of scary things and mean people," I sniffled.


"I want to go home."
Chapter 2

With scraped, bloody knees I rose to my feet after what seemed like hours. Whimpering, I brushed rocks out of my knees and glanced up at the sky. I had been outside all day and the sun, my one beacon of hope and comfort, was starting to set. I wrapped my arms around myself and slowly began to walk with no destination in mind, guilt and fear clawing at me as I dragged my feet. I felt afraid of my situation, unsure if anyone or anything outside would leap out of the woods and attack me. I felt guilty that the other children were still trapped by that Hypno and I hadn’t been able to do a thing to save them. I was a mess.

“Is anyone out there? I mentally called out, wishing deep down the strange voice I heard from before, the one who had set me free from Hypno’s control, would speak to me again and tell me what to do. I craved for someone, anyone, to appear and help me…

…but I was quickly learning that the world was cold and cruel—as if my Murder Game experience hadn’t taught me that already. Not all strangers were going to be kind to me like Sir Sans, Sir Papyrus, Miss Ryan, or Sir Minato.

I squinted, watching as two men appeared out of the woods. They dressed in all black and wore funny white hats, azure sideburns visible beneath them. For the most part, I couldn't really see what they looked like either; they wore bandanas over the lower-halves of their faces. While my instincts told me not to speak with strangers, another part of me knew I couldn't stay alone outside all night. So, hesitantly, I approached them.

"P-Please can you help me? I'm lost," I whimpered, looking at them both with my pitiful blue eyes.


"Yo, yo, yo, what do we have here B?" one of the men said with a snicker, clearly unsympathetic to me.

"I dunno, A, who's to say? Looks like a little tyke who's lost her way. How'sa 'bout we call her over and see if she wants to play?"

The men approached, giving off a not so friendly vibe. I gasped, feeling one of them grab me by the arm. “I wish not for any trouble. Would ye good gentleman be so kind as to aide a young lady in need?”

The men looked at each other before they burst out laughing. “Homie, you clearly don’t know who your messin’ wid. Kind and good just ain’t our game. So listen and listen well, kid. We go by Team Skull, remember the name.”

“I-I don’t understa— Ack!” I shouted, surprised when they would pull me closer to them.

“Instead of us helping you, how about you help us, homie? Give us all your stuff, or you’ll be cruising for a bruising,” one of the men threatened, his spit flying in my face as he spoke.

I whimpered, trying to pull back from them as I wiped my face off. I hardly had any belongings on me, save for the sword Sir Papyrus had given me, the sword my father had made for me, and a few other small belongings from home. They were personal things I treasured, items I didn’t want to just give away to a couple of thieves. I had to be strong! I wouldn’t give in to them!


I stood up tall, raising my voice to them. “I am a princess! Royalty of Arendelle! I refuse to hand over my belongings to the two of you. Thou art horrid men and I will see to it that you both are punished when my mother and father find yo— AH!”

I found myself cut off by a painful backhand from one of the men. “Oh, yeah, princess? You and what army? You’re cute, but Team Skull ain’t afraid to hurt no kid. So give us your stuff unless you wanna sleep with the magikarp tonight,” he said, his tone growing impatient and more stern than before.

I struggled, my heart starting to pound in my chest. “No, no! Let go! Please have mercy!” I exclaimed, wishing deep down my power of teleportation would activate and whisk me away from the men…

…but for some reason, it didn’t.

The thugs frisked me, taking every item I had on me—including my headband and cloak. “Much obliged, kid,” they said, kicking me onto the ground after they were through with me.

I erupted into pitiful tears, looking up to them with begging eyes. “Please, those are the only things I have!”

Ignoring me, they spoke amongst themselves.

“Ugh, talk about annoying, A. What should we do with the kid?”

“Well it wants something, doesn’t it? How’sa bout we use one of our escape ropes and tie it to a tree?”

“Oh, oh! I’ll do ya one better, A. Let’s tie it up to the tree and cover it with honey. Then maybe a few stuffel or a bearwear will show up and have themselves some dinner.”

They laughed at their plot while I only began to cry harder. I scrambled to my feet and tried to run, only to be kicked onto the ground by one of them. I could feel one of the men’s shoes pressing on the back of my head, pushing my face into the dirt. “Ah, ah, ah, you ain’t going anywhere, princess of Arenhell. Time to get tied up.”

They reached down to pick me up while I squirmed and kicked. “You cruel fools! My home is Arendelle! At least say it ri— OOF!”

One of the men punched me in the face, a blow so hard to my jaw that it actually knocked a tooth out. While I was thankful it was a baby tooth, it still hurt! Just as they had said, they clearly didn’t have a problem harming children.

I continued to fight the men in silence, squirming and kicking as they tried to get the rope around me. Before they had a chance to do so, however, a high pitched cry sounded through the woods. The men were so startled that they dropped me, turning around to see what had made the strange sound.

“U-Uh, B, what was that?”

“I dunno, A, sounded like an— Oh wait, there it is. It was just a pokémon. Looks kinda dope.”

I lifted up, my body shaking, as I tried to squint through the darkness to see what the men were looking at. Try as I might, I didn’t see a thing.

“You think its a rare pokémon? Betcha we’d score points wid the boss if we brought him back something rare…”

“Eh, I can’t tell if it’s rare or not. It’s wearing a rag, a stupid lookin’ costume. I think Imma take it off. Den we’ll know if it’s rare.”

I listened, hearing a bit of shuffling from the men. And then I heard…


My heart began to pound in my chest as I heard one of the most horrible screams erupt from the men. I froze in panic for a moment, horrified by the sound of crunching bones, choking, and gurgling. Unable to take the horrid sounds for very long, I finally rose to my feet and began to run, moving as fast as my legs could cary me. I wasn’t sure where I was going, I just needed to get away!

I ran and ran until I came across what appeared to be an old, abandoned building. I threw open the door and moved inside, my teeth chattering together. Already terrified, I flinched and let out a yelp when I heard a small creaking noise behind me.

Chapter 3

I heard the sound again.


Involuntarily, another cry forced it's way out of my mouth. As fast as I could, I took off running deeper into the dark building, the sound of my anxious panting overshadowing any rational thoughts I had in my mind. In that moment, the only feeling I knew was fear. It took over me, causing me to run faster and faster until I crashed into a wall. The impact of my collision caused shelves over my head to wobble, their contents spilling down onto me. I yelped in panic, only calming when I realized whatever had hit me wasn't very heavy. They were soft plusies of various sorts. They were of creatures I didn't recognize, but as cute as they were, I hugged one of them to my chest for comfort.

"Sun, please help me. Sun, Please help me. Sun, please help me," I repeated squeezing the pink, plush doll as tightly as I could in my arms. I was still absolutely horrified, my legs trembling under me and tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I had just been attacked by two strange men, they had been attacked by something worse, and now I was hearing strange noises. I wasn't certain what kind of world this was, but so far I really didn't like it.

As I repeated these words to myself, I began to feel something in my arms start to move. As if the doll I had been holding became a weightless balloon, it began to lift out of my arms, floating in mid-air. I gasped and staggered back, cupping my hands under my chin. "O-Oh, dear Sun, save me from the evil spirit! B-Be gone, foul demon!" I exclaimed, so horrified my vision had even started to go blurry.


As I watched the floating doll, a purple creature began to materialize behind it--revealing that it was actually holding the doll. Only later would I learn that this invisible creature was a pokemon called Gengar, a playful fellow who was only trying to have a bit of fun. Regardless, I hadn't a clue this was its only intention at the time. I screamed in horror at the smiling pocket monster, my vision burring even a bit more.

"Gar?" the creature questioned, the smile leaving its face replaced with a look of concern. It opened it's mouth and reached out to lick me with a large, pink tongue as if trying to console me. I, however, did not take this pokémon's action as one of comfort. My knees went weak and my head light. It was in that moment everything went dark, my small body finally fainting from my stress.

I awoke later on the floor of a room I didn't recognize. Groggy, I slowly sat up, blinking my eyes before trying to look around the dark area. I appeared to be alone, and the room was absolutely empty. The only noticeable feature about the room was the walls. Upon them, drawings of a yellow, mouse pokémon hung on the walls. There had to have been dozens of them, child-like drawings colored in with crayons. I gazed at the drawings, almost mesmerized until I would hear a familiar sound come from behind me.


I turned around, spotting a small creature on the ground in front of me. Somehow, it looked like the pokémon in the drawings, yet it wasn't entirely the same.


"Kyu! Kyu!" it cried again, slowly inching closer to me. I gasped and backed up as far against the wall as I could, still rather skittish after all I had seen recently. The yellow creature stopped when I backed away from it, turning around the other way and leaving the room. I didn't have time to be relived, however, because moments later it returned pushing a basket into the room. It nudged the basket close to me and backed away.

"U-Um, what is this for?" I questioned, peeking down into the basket to see there were various berries inside of it. I sat on the ground, feeling my stomach rumble immediately upon seeing them. I couldn't even remember the last time I had eaten anything. "Are these for me?" I asked, barely able to contain myself from reaching out to touch one.

"Kyu!" the pokémon exclaimed, seeming to urge me into eating the berries. As hungry as I was, it didn't take much convincing either. I shoveled one after another into my mouth as fast as I could, little regard for how they tasted. After I had eaten my fill, I took a deep breath and glanced to the pokémon who had fed me.


"Th-Thank you so much, thine kindness is a blessing to me," I said, bowing my head to it. "Do you... have a name? I am called Princess Ilona of Arendelle."

"Pi... ka..."

I tilted my head thoughtfully. "Pika? You know, Pika, you scared me when I first heard you. Would you mind terribly if I called you Pikaboo?" I questioned, earning a vigorous nod from the little fellow. I smiled. "It's settled then. Pikaboo, you're the first friendly face I've seen all day. I do hope we can be friends."

"KYU!" it cried eagerly, as if it had never experienced having a friend even once in its life. It then happily snuggled close to me, extending an arm from under its strange costume to hug me with. I giggled, hugging the small creature back.

I stayed with Pikaboo that night, the small creature protecting me until the next morning. It was then we were awoken by the sound of another pokémon entering the back room.

"Kyu," the creature said, its voice sounding similar to Pikaboo's. I sat up from where I had been sleeping, rubbing my eyes before looking at it. The pokémon was much like Pikaboo, yet bigger. Before I could say anything to it, Pikaboo rushed from my side and snuggled up to the pokémon, obviously familiar with it.

"She must be your mother," I guessed, looking between the two pokémon. Other than the fact Pikaboo's mother was bigger than her, I noticed something else. The bigger pokémon had dried stains of... blood... on its pale yellow costume. The blood wasn't its own, yet I still had a feeling I knew where it had come from.

"Are you... the one who saved me from those Team Skull men before?" I questioned, watching as the pokémon would move closer to me. A black arm would extend from under its costume reaching up to gently pat me on the top of the head. I smiled. "It was you. Thank you... I owe you and your daughter very much."

From that moment on, the kind pair of pokémon watched out for me, providing me with food and protection. I knew at some point my powers would teleport me to a new location, so I didn't mind staying with them until that time would come. But even after a week of staying with the two, my powers never once activated. Instead, I found myself staying with them until... something horrible happened.

One night I awoke to a heart wrenching scream. I bolted up, gasping fearfully. Instantly, I looked to my protecters, the Mimikyu, but only saw that Pikaboo was with me. After a moment or two of processing the scream, a horrifying realization struck me. The scream had come from... Pikaboo's mother. What was going on?

"Kyuuuuu!" Pikaboo screeched in panic, only to be scooped into my arms. She tried to struggle in my grasp so she could run to her mother, but I wouldn't allow her to do so.

"Y-You can't go, Pikaboo, I think something bad is happening to your mother. I don't want you to get hurt too. W-We must proceed with caution..."

With shaking legs, I carried Pikaboo through the dark building moving slowly toward the place where the sound came from. My search ended up leading me to the front door where I would peer out its window to see a haunting, disturbing sight. Two men, the same men who had harassed me several days ago, stood above a bloodied, tattered mess of a pokémon... that had once been Pikaboo's mother.

"That'll teach it never to mess wid us again, yo. Let's go," one said to the other before they slowly moved off into the night. I only continued to stand there in shock until Pikaboo would jump from my arms and rush out the door, helplessly nudging her mother.

"Kyu, kyu, kyu!"

I staggered outside after Pikaboo, dropping to my knees. "Dear Sun, cast this illusion from my eyes, for this cannot be real. It just cannot! It can't be happening!" I shouted, crawling over to the mother Mimikyu, tears blurring my eyes. She was such a sweet creature. She had protected me for days now. She... didn't deserve this.

"I-I won't let her die like this. W-We have to save her, Pikaboo!" I exclaimed, suddenly wrapping my arms around the bloodied mess of a pokémon before me. I scooped her up and rushed into the forest, Pikaboo quickly trailing after me.

I sobbed as I ran, the tears in my eyes entirely blinding my vision as I charged forward pointlessly driven by my child-like longing. I knew in my heart that the poor pokémon was already... gone... but I just didn't want to even think something so sad could happen to someone in front of me. This wasn't a Murder Game. I wanted to believe that real life wasn't as hopeless and scary as one, yet I was quickly learning that sometimes existence in the real world can be just as cruel.
Chapter 5

When my journey in the pokémon world came to a close, I would find myself in a new world. This world would tell the story of a new chapter in my life, a chapter that would reveal a secret I never told to a single soul for as long as I've been alive thus far.

I've been lying about my age.

Physically, and perhaps mentally as well, I'm presently that of a nineteen year old female, but I've actually been alive much longer than nineteen years. How long I've been alive I'm not exactly sure. I never kept track of the days in this world and time seem to run differently. But I digress, you'll now hear the story of my time in Neverland.

I woke up on the side of a sandy shore, to the sight of another unknown place where my powers had teleported me. In the distance, I could see waves gently moving to brush against the land. The sound they created was calming, almost convincing me to continue laying in the sand so I could relax.

"Sora?" I finally mumbled, slowly sitting up to brush the sand off my face. I looked around and didn't see my friend from the world of pokémon anywhere close by. I didn't bother to call out her name again. In my heart I already knew it: I was somewhere else now.

Slowly moving to stand up, I looked around and the rest of the area. Behind me, I could see a beautiful, lush forest and a wide-open blue sky. This place was gorgeous. To this day, I haven't forgotten what it looks like.

Deciding I should explore, I began to walk off the beach and into the forest. It was my hope that I would find shelter or people kind enough to help me and tell me where I was. I kept my guard up this time, however, feeling uncertain after the mixed experiences I had in my previous world.

It wouldn't take me long before I would start to hear strange sounds coming from voices in the distance. From the voices, I could hear shouting, screaming, chanting, and cries resembling Indians. I froze up, watching as a group of men would eventually come into view. As I god a better look at them, however, I began to realize they weren't men, but they were... boys.

Feeling a bit threatened by this boys, I took a step back and tried to hide behind a tree to no avail. Before I could think to run away, the boys would have me surrounded, circling me as if I were prey. While the rest of the boys stayed back, a single one of them stepped forward, reaching out to grab me by the arm.


"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he questioned, an amused smirk on his lips. "A lost little girl. How strange. How did you get to Neverland?" he questioned. In response, I simply shrugged my shoulders. "Not much of a talker, hm? You don't have to be afraid. We won't hurt you. I just want to know how you got here." Flashing a charming smile he added, "Maybe my friends and I can help you?"

"Well," I began, deciding to give into his request. "I have no idea how I got here. I just woke up on the shore. You say I'm in a place called Neverland?" I sighed. "Could you mayhaps help me? I'm lost and need a place to stay until I figure out what to do."

The boy hummed thoughtfully in the back of his throat before responding with, "I'm not sure. You see, I don't call the shots around here. But I guess we can take you to our leader and ask him if it's alright."

I nodded. It wasn't as if I had any other options. "Very well, you may call me Princess Ilona."

After introducing myself, I would hear a few laughs in the background.

"A princess? You know, if I were you I wouldn't go around telling people that. Adults will take advantage of you if they think you're a princess."

Biting my lower lip, I tensed my shoulders nervously.

"Relax," the boy added. "We're not adults so you don't have to worry. I'm Felix, by the way. Follow us and we'll take you to our camp."

I went with the boys, glancing to them as we walked to their camp. In reaction to my glance, some of them would flinch while others would either blush or laugh. They acted as if they had never seen a girl before. Trying to ignore them, I set my focus solely on following Felix.

When we would finally arrive to their camp, my eyes widened at the sight of it. There were houses in trees, boys dancing around lit campfires, sword fighting, and playing.

"Wait here," Felix would say as I looked around, before moving to head off.

While waiting for him, I began to acquaint myself with some of the friendlier boys of the camp. They told me who they were, The Lost Boys, and explained that they were all from different places and periods of time. Their leader, Peter Pan, had brought them there to escape their wretched lives where they had never fit in at home with their parents. Here in Neverland, they never grew up, they always got to have fun, and didn't have to worry about the outside world. Peter Pan took care of them.

The longer I spoke with the boys, the happier I felt. I could truly relate to some of the things they told me. I was a misfit myself who didn't have a place where I belonged. All I wanted was a place to have fun and forget about my troubles, just like them.

That night, I danced around the campfire with the boys, they showed me a bit of their sword fighting skills, and even shared their food with me. Felix never returned with Peter Pan, but I completely forgot I had been waiting for him. Honestly, I hadn't felt this happy in a very long time.

But quickly, my happiness was dashed against the rocks.

After what seemed like hours, Felix came back. Some of the boys rushed to greet him, along with myself. "So, did you find Sir Peter Pan?" I questioned, wondering if their leader was around. The boy shook his head, his eyes fixed on me. Unlike last time, he didn't appear so friendly.

"He's busy, so he left me in charge. I'll be making the call as to whether or not you can stay with us. So, girl, are you interested in being a Lost Boy?"

I nodded happily. "I... like it here. I can't go home; I don't fit in there. I'd very much enjoy staying here for a while if you'll have me."

Felix chuckled. "That's funny. Too bad..."

Reaching out, he roughly grabbed me by the arm. "You're not staying. I don't care if you're a princess or not. You're a girl, and a girl can't be a Lost Boy."

He began to drag me, even as I struggled against him. "L-Let me go! Please! I promise I'll be a good Lost Boy! I'll listen to everything you tell me to do!"

"Shut up," Felix mumbled, continuing to drag me.

I looked back at the other boys, longing for them to help me, but they dared not stand up to Felix. Instead, some of them even moved to help Felix, pulling my hands behind my back so they could tie my wrists together with a piece of rope.

"Please, please! I'm begging you..."

All of the begging in the world didn't help. The boys dragged me along, eventually tossing me into a cage somewhere in the woods. They locked the cage, watching me grab onto the bars and cry.

"Goodbye, Ilona. Say hello to the pirates or the crocodiles. Whichever gets to you first..."

He then turned to leave with the other boys. Some of them looked at me sadly, but said nothing as they walked off.

I squeezed the bars between my hands, continuing to cry softly.

"It's not fair... why? Why can't a girl be a Lost Boy?"
Chapter 6

Three days would pass before I saw anyone again. With every passing minute I grew more tired, weaker, and hungrier. I laid on the bottom of my cage, wishing I could be freed somehow. My teleportation powers were not working for me and the Lost Boys had left me with no food or means of escape. Did they not realize they were leaving a little girl to her death?

Well, whether or not they realized I was in danger, someone else did.

When I was at my weakest point, I heard the voice of a boy speak to me. I hadn't heard him approach because of how tired and disoriented I was, but I was coherent enough to notice the sound of his voice.

"My, what have they done to you?" he questioned. "Don't worry, girl, I'll help you."

Unable to speak up in reply to him, I would instead black out.

Later on, I would awake to find myself in a bed within one of the Lost Boy's hollowed out treehouses. In the corner of the room sat a boy, my rescuer. I couldn't tell who he was by looking at him, but when he began to speak to me I remembered the sound of his voice.

"Ah, awake at last," the boy stated, standing up from where he had been sitting. He walked over, tilting his head as he curiously examined me.

"You saved me from that cage," I said, slowly sitting up. "Who are you? Why did you help me?"

He smiled. "That doesn't matter. I'm just another Lost Boy who lives on this island. And I helped you because I thought they were being a bit cruel. They don't care for girls, but that doesn't mean they should leave one to die."

The boy sat on the edge of my bed, offering me a plate of sliced apples. "Eat up. You must be starving."

And indeed I was, I gratefully gobbled down the food he gave me, surprised when he would laugh at me.

"You certainly don't eat like a girl. But, then again, I suppose anyone starving would eat their meals in such a manner. What's your name?" he questioned.

"It's Princess Ilona," I said in reply, wiping my mouth off with the back of my hand.

"A princess?" he questioned, raising a lush eyebrow. "Pray tell, where do you come from? Nobody ordinary can very easily make it to Neverland."

I let out a sigh. "I have magical powers. I can teleport to different places. My powers probably brought me here to Neverland, but ever since I got here they haven't been working. Usually my powers kick in when I'm in danger, but they didn't save me while I was trapped in that cage."

The boy shrugged. "Not surprising. Neverland is a different sort of place. Anyhow, what will you do now that you're free? There are only two groups of people who live in Neverland: the Lost Boys and the pirates, and neither of the two are very friendly. So long as you're here, you'll have to stay in constant hiding."

I folded my hands together, glancing down at the floor sadly. "I'll just have to do what I always do... survive until my powers take my somewhere else. But if they don't work here in Neverland... I'm not sure what I'll do. Do you think maybe I can get the Lost Boys to change their minds about me? I know I'm a girl, but I'm a lot like them! Honest I am!"

"Yes, quite the conundrum," the boy said, smiling afterwards. "But maybe... I do have an idea to get them to accept you. Will you trust me?" he questioned, offering me his hand.

Without hesitating, I grabbed the boy's hand. He had saved me, after all, and I didn't have any friends in this place. I didn't really have anything to lose.

"Excellent, let's begin."

The boy helped me stand up and snapped his fingers afterwards. "Look down at your clothes. I used magic to change them."

I glanced downward, letting out a gasp. "These are like the clothes the Lost Boys were wearing."

"Indeed," he replied. "Now then, one more thing to top off your new look." The boy pulled a knife from his belt, moving over to me. I flinched when he held the knife close to my face, unsure what he was doing.

"W-Wait, what's that knife fo--"

Without asking my permission, the male began to hack away at my locks of blonde hair. "Wait, no, don't do that!" I exclaimed, trying to move away from him. When I did so, he only pushed me against a wall and continued.

"You told me that you'd trust me. You want the Lost Boys to leave you alone, right? I'm doing this so that they will. Don't fret over your hair, it'll grow back later. Your life, however, can't be replaced if taken from you."

I frowned, allowing him to continue until he would finally move away. He sat down the knife and then a mirror would appear in his hands, another feat performed with magic of some kind. "Take a gander..."



I squeaked, eyes widening in shock. "I look like a boy!"

"Yes, that's the idea," he replied back, smirking. "They don't like girls, but they'll be fine with you if you're a boy. Come along, I'll prove it to you."

Although I was uncertain about this plan, the boy led me out of his hideout and back toward the camp where the Lost Boys were staying. As we walked across the camp, the boys looked at me, but not like they had when I arrived for the first time. He then approached Felix, the boy from earlier who had decided that I couldn't stay.

"I've found a new recruit. Introduce yourself, boy," he said, glancing to me.

I swallowed nervously, before starting to utter, "I'm Princes-- Uh." I cut myself, suddenly realizing that I shouldn't give them my real name. I needed a boys name. But what name? There was a boy named Shiki from the stories my mother used to tell me and then there was Minato whom I had met during my time in the Murder Game. But, somehow, those names didn't seem to fit. So, quickly, I spat out my father's name without much thought.


"I'm Solaire, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said.

Felix furrowed his brows and reached out to grab my arm. "You may be able to fool the others, but you can't fool me. You're that girl from earlier, aren't you?"

My rescuer stepped forward, pushing Felix's hand off me before I could even try to think of an answer. "That's quite enough, Felix. His name is Solaire. I don't really care for it though, so I may call him Sol for short. Do you have a problem with this?"

Felix grimaced before turning away. "No sir, Pan."

"Wait, Pan?" I questioned suddenly. "Like, Peter Pan, their leader?"


The boy smiled. "That's me. Surprised? I don't always reveal my identity to strangers. But you're one of our brothers now. Go ahead and introduce yourself to the others. And don't act so polite or timid. If you do, the others will suspect something," Peter Pan said, giving me a gentle push on the shoulders.

"R-Right!" I said, moving to leave. I glanced behind my shoulder, however, seeing that Felix was still seething over this.

"Pan, she's a girl. We don't take girls. We never have!" he snapped.

In response, Peter Pan shoved Felix against a tree, looking him closely in the eyes. I expected that Pan would hit the boy, but ended up being a lot more gentle than I expected. "My dear Felix," he began to say, reaching to caress the male's face. "Don't you trust me? I know what I'm doing."

Felix stiffened when Pan looked at him, but seemed to melt when the other boy touched his face. "Fine, I'll let this go for now. Only for you."

Pan smirked and stepped back, giving the boy a pat on the face again. "I knew I could count on you. Now then, let's make sure our new guest is settling in." Peter Pan turned and walked back over to me, leading me to the rest of the Lost Boys. At last, I was finally one of them.