Completely normal Boarding school!


Seemingly over night flyers go up. It’s magically as soon All over the world a place is being organized. Somewhere normal, yet they’re taking in every orphan every unwanted and every bad child. Every single one. However it’s seemingly in the middle of Nowhere literally. Nowhere is a posted location. Yet the government trusts them and you don’t have any where else to go or did you really piss off your family? Welcome to a sketchy place you can never again escape.

Come One Come All! Under this banner I have a challenge! This rp will be open to any who can take it! There will be no limit to the creativity as long as you don’t GodMod!

Now I got a boarding school idea form an rp partner who went missing and now I have a giant hole in my heart. I’ve left the purpose Vague so I can switch between the Three different functions of the school depending on what the group likes most!
It’s either A Comepletely normal boarding school and a slice of life.
B a boarding school that has a secret agenda of doing morally wrong tests on its students.
Or C it’s where kids get shoved off to and they may or may not have Super Powers abilities Stands Ninjustsu nin or quirks which their able to use!

I should honestly dive it up into three rps but I just couldn’t help but think what would happen if there was normal kids he shook uses as a front and they have two other Classes one a secret used for testing and the other with special powers they’re trying to train to make weapons or to use a templates for the testing class.

Now then come at this any way you want jsut don’t god mod. You could have super powers but be in a regular class because you hide them! Then later we can have an arc where you have to start using them to save your friends. Oh but a teacher finds out, now it’s a race against the Clock!

Anyway I digress there will be shared dorms as that’s a big part in the plot as well as letting characters interact more together. Bonus points to whoever makes a ghost to haunt the school and freak everyone out