Count to 50 before a staff member

And the winged dark lord had enough of the persisting crowd. Leaping from her perch on high, she swooped down upon them, grabbing the Disobedient Avocado by the collar and lifted them to her face. Eyes brilliantly glowing like a sapphire, she uttered only but a few words. "Nope. Not happening."
As the Avocadoa is lifted high into the air, it's wide dark eyes blinked rapidly. An apology forming on it's lips, perhaps. Looking like she might cry the Avocado simply whispered back, "One."
The dark lord was not pleased to see four wild monkeys abusing her bed. With a swoop of one armored hand, she made them simply vanish without a trace.
One casually waits for Gandalf to fall into Khazad Dum again, then simply repairs the bridge and crosses out of Moria.
Four races -- Humans, Orcs, Undeads and Night Elves are together, watching over the thread for any imminent dangers.