Akashic Arcana Day one - Acceptance, and scraping by.


His finger moved into his maw, working it around the whole of his mouth. Eventually he found the prize. The chocolate was wrested out from beneath his tongue. Flourishing it in front of him, he plopped it inside his mouth. Swallowing it whole. “So, how did I do?” He beamed, his white smile blemished only by the black gums, and the distracting gap between his teeth.

The man in the suit shuffled the paper. “Terribly. 60.2%, Prince you just passed.”
Prince blinked, the smile was still there, but it faltered ever so slightly. “Scuse me, but isn’t that… good?” Prince slinked from the chair before a reply could be mustered, and pushed his face into that of the man’s. The man flinched ever so slightly at the faint smell of rot.

Prince’s fingers danced to the paper, delicately moving it to his eyes.
Tired of this, “don’t you know basic manners? Mind your own space.” The words snapped from his lips.
Slowly, Prince pulled himself back. His face radiated the look of a man unsure. “What do ya mean?”
He huffed, annoyed at this lunacy. “Do you know nothing?”

Prince slackened in his seat at those words, for a moment he weighed up this man, and he beamed. “Nah, I know something. And besides, I don’t know what the heck the problem is in the first place? I passed, didn’t I?” The virus shrugged along with his words.

Before the words could charge from the man’s maw. Prince sharply cut him off, “I’m going to be real for a minute, I don’t really want to hear anything else from you. I passed. I promise, I will get better next time. Do I need to go anywhere else?”

His face flashed red for an instant, a volcano verged on an eruption. Suddenly, it all extinguished and he numbly told him to go to the dorms. Prince thanked him before leaving.
Perhaps Prince was still just a bit agitated or maybe it wasn't his fault at all and Tom was just lost in thought. Regardless of whomever's 'fault' it was, as Prince exited the classroom and entered the hallway, he collided with Tom whom was probably a few inches taller. Tom raised a hand and meant to cushion the collision by placing it on Prince's shoulder to keep them separated. Unfortunately it might have come off as a bit forceful or with a fraction too much force; as if Tom were shoving the other boy away. That wasn't the intent but recent events had left Tom a bit fatigued and the after effects of his summoning were messing with his limits of control. "Oh man, sorry. Sorry." He double repeated. He raised his hands up with apology clearly etched on his face while inwardly he imagined shouting at the other student and trying to gut him for daring to come so close. He gritted his teeth and forced the thoughts out of his mind.

"You got everything? I didn't make you drop anything did I?" He made an effort to look around the two of them to make sure no books or papers had gone flying. In doing so, he did see a paper on the floor between them with a 60.2% drawn on it with red ink. It was definitely not Tom's.
Prince stumbled backwards, and he managed to catch himself from tumbling onto the floor. Why would he do that? The Virus considered, all the while the man was held within his pupils, not for a single moment did his sight stray from him. He was taller than him, by about a few inches, tall and lanky, and tired. He showed some level of concern with his comment. All of this Prince weighed up, and he came to a conclusion. Nothing at the moment could be considered wrong with this man, nothing a threat. But, still staring deep within the one's eyes. They seemed wrong.

Prince beamed, smiling showing the gap tooth for the world to see. "Nah, I dropped nothing." His eyes strayed down to his feet, and without missing a beat the test was whisked away into his clothes. "You know..." He said, stepping forward, one step, two steps. He was curious about that look in his eyes, it was rather new. His hands would reach out forward, grasping the sides of his head, and he would pull him closer to get a better look of it.
While Prince righted himself, he kept his gaze on Tom and the state was pretty intense. Considering nearly everyone at the Academy had a 'gift' or 'curse' there was no telling what one person could do from the next or what it meant to simply be stared at. Given that fact, Tom didn't know if he should brace himself for an incoming blast of ruby colored optic blasts or if the other boy would summon a giant marshmallow man to stomp Tom's life out. Not wanting to over exaggerate or kick off an inadvertent magical encounter right there in the hallway, Tom hesitated and was relieved when Prince finally smiled. Though the gap tooth was certainly... odd.

He watched Prince pick up and pocket the paper that wasn't his and then looked puzzled and a bit off guard when Prince began to approach. "Hey where're you going..." He backed up but Prince had approached first and when he touched the sides of his head without warning or permission, he began to react. Inwardly he began to summon the spirits that comforted him and all though Prince may not have seen it, Tom's hands began to twisted and contort as they transformed into something else...
Prince held that position, his eyes boring into that of Tom's, the look within his eyes only seemed to grow. What was it? Happiness? No, there was always an upturning of lips with that, sadness? Where were the tears? Anger? No, no, no your face would be the brightest shade of red if you were angry, of course that was the same with embarrassment. The two were always so confusing. He removed his hands, he already got a good look, why continue?

"You know, I forgot to ask, really embarrassing cause' my mom and pa always told me to introduce myself to whoever I met, it never did stick though, oh yeah, my name is Prince." He admitted, his attention littered everywhere besides his words. It seemed unwise to ask him about the look in his eyes, maybe it was just a phenomenon for him and him alone?
Prince lowered his hands and Tom expelled his held breath. He let his vigilance subside but the mana burn would be painful; he braced himself for that. When it came it was like his chest was constricting around his guts and it hurt to breath, speak or otherwise. Thankfully, since his transformation hadn't yet started, the pain was brief and subsided quickly. He panted for a few moments like he was out of breath even though he clearly hadn't gone anywhere.

"Did your mom and pa ever tell you not to touch someone without their permission?" He barked. After risking a full breath, he inhaled deeply and shook his head, dismissing a primal instinct. "My name is Tom, Prince. I'd say it's nice to meet you but honestly -- you can't just reach out and grab someone like that without their permission. Okay?"