Dragon Dreams-


Just a Dream
A short bit from a post I wrote a while back.

Usually when you fall asleep. You wake up after some time. But her world had been a dream for a long time. Her dreams were of open fields, sunny sky's. The brightest seas with waves that lapped the shores. The flowers were bright and the animals, well she didn't have an appetite...and it was nice that they didn't run in fear. It was the longer she kept in this slumber she felt more herself, she wasn't a towering shadow seeing the word from high. Not that she complained when there was a rush of a breeze caressing her body, but suddenly she had feet, soft skin that warmed in the sun. Hair that tickled her face. A laugh that bubbled up and didn't send a blast of fire torching the fine green grass. It was peace, comfort in not having to hide and worry that someone was hunting her.

But it seemed, her nice dreams didn't stay as peaceful as she would have preferred. Unable to wake to stop them she lived in them. The sky grew dark and a cold rain poured down. Bare skin was soaked, it seemed clothes didn't matter where she was. Her bright eyes looked down at muddy toes before she looked up, before her a man stood, his dark eyes narrowed a hungry grin on his face. A curved blade was held in his toned arm and with a flash of lightning he was swinging at her. A cry came from the women, who had lived so peacefully before her body started to change. The cry turned into a scream of pain and before she knew it, claws were digging into the wet earth and her wide jaws were opening. A heat came from her, smoke rolling from her nose in preparation. Her head leaned back before she learned forward, a large ball of heat shot out and the man before her had no time to act before he was nothing. The ground was scorched, a fire burning that not even the rains could wash out.'

This continued on into my opening post~ But! If you had a character dragon or some other shape shifter what would their dreams be like? Given they were trapped in a 'beasts' form.
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