Duel of Ages (Poem)


Punmaker Extrordinare
Two swords
Glide from their sheaths
One new
It glistens in the light of the early morning sun
One old
Golden sunlight illuminates the scratches like sparks

Two eyes
Full of fire and conviction
The young pair
Flare up in youthful passion
The aged pair
Glow steady with ancient wisdom

Two hands
Grasp the sword hilts, their knuckles white as pearls
The fresh hands
Pale, tender, and unblemished
The elderly hands
Brown, calloused, and scarred

One dance
With steps that weave a deadly pattern
The young apprentice leads
His choreography is swift and graceful like the gazelle
The old master follows
His moves are slow and powerful like the bear

One blow
The ring of steel echoes through the forest
A dancer falters
Missing a beat
The other dancer catches his fall
With the blade of his sword

One heart beat
The other silenced by steel's icy touch
The lone dancer stands still
Listening to the silence
His partner lies on the red stained ground
Never to dance again.