E V E R Y M A N A K I N G - Alternative history rps


Active Member

Yeah, I have in mind a slice-of-life set in Kaiserreich universe. I've found it quite compelling of a universe and I would like to try out few rps in it. If anyone is interested feel free to comment. I don't mind if you're semi-literate. All that I ask from semi-literates of you is that you're willing to try get better, I guess.

Sorry if my ad is short or not enthusiastic. After 2-3 ads with no one interested I've grown too lazy to do a full blown ad with numerous paragraphs and the sort.

Yeah. Hope to hear about you guys soon!
Hey! I'm looking for more RP partners and if you don't mind elaborating on the Kaiserreich universe, i'm down to RP with you!
Hey! I'm looking for more RP partners and if you don't mind elaborating on the Kaiserreich universe, i'm down to RP with you!

Anyway, do you know WW1 and how it ended in German defeat due to Germans accidentally sinking a US ship during their unrestricted submarine warfare, which resulted US joining the war? In Kaiserreich Germany did not go all unrestricted with their submarines, resulting in the US never joining the war. This gave Germany a Pyrrhic victory in the WW1, resulting in France and Britain, Romania, Serbia, and Italy losing the war and getting some forms of losses(except Britain.)

Romania lost few bits of Moldova to Austria Hungary, Serbia lost northern parts of their nation to Austria-Hungary, France lost Nancy to Germany, Italy lost Venice to Austria Hungary and was split into four nations like Socialist Republic of Italy, Sardinia, Two Sicilies and Papal States. The Brest-Litovsk stayed the same as Germany assisted the whites in the Russian Civil war, resulting in the Soviet Russia fall and Russian Republic rising. Also, Finland got its king and Poland exists, just small. All of Eastern Europe, save for Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, and Russia, belong under the political sphrere of Germany, called MittelEuropa.

But what about the former Entente nations? Simple. Two wars against Germany/Prussia that resulted in a loss made the people of France quite angry. This resulted in Jacobin revolution that essentially pushed out the provisional government of France, which retreated to the last colonies of France: Algeria and Tunisia and other minor ones bordering those. So there's two Frances. French Republic in Africa and Commune of France in Europe. Inspired by this the general coal strike in Britain caused the guards to shoot down the miners, which quickly escalated into a revolution, with the army either defecting or standing down. Government fled to Canada, where is now Commonwealth of Canada, and a coalition of leftists centered on the Trades Union Congress take control of Britain, now called Union of Britain. Italy's West Italy turned to the same leftist ideology and converted into the Socialist republic of Italy, or Red Italy as it is called. Three nations, following the ideology of Syndicalism, as communism in the east failed and it was the syndicalists who managed to do a successful revolution instead. Red Italy and Commune of France created a military pact, called Third Internationalé.

So, Entente exists, but all of its countries are now in the best shape. King is hiding in Canada, and Edward VIII is not hated in this timeline. The situation is already shitty, so no point in being mad at him. The british nobility in Canada want to get back home, so they are fine with him as their king. France has Philippé Petain come into power as their president in Africa. British Raj had a civil war, with Bengal Commune(syndicalists) in the east, Princely Federation(Authoritarian democrats) in the south, and Dominion of India(Entente nation) in India. And many of the colonies in Caribbean were combined into a nation, called Caribbean Federation.

So, Germany is not having the best time, either. Economic problems due to the World War 1 being so costly to them, and them having people complain about the lack of democracy that Wilhelm II took away when he came into power. Also, an economic downfall happened in 1936 to Germany and all countries affiliated with them. Only ones that did not suffer from it were the Entente nations and Third Internationalé. Austria-Hungary suffered in 1927 a form of decentralization, with all of the dominions of it being more independent, but still under the leadership of Austrian Kaiser. The surprising dominion of Illyria was created, with Hungary being pissed off at the news. Reason behind this is that Hungary before had Croatia under its control, and now it lost it. Also, from German colonies and colonies gained from the British, French and Belgians was created a singular colony known as MittelAfrika. It is lead by Hermann Göring.

Also, US had its Great Depression happen, Jack Reed never went to the Russian Civil war to die, and Huey Long was not assassinated. Herbert Hoover won the 1933 elections. So there are syndicalist factions brewing in the North, and... What ever Huey Long's ideology is (EVERY MAN A KING)... Huey Long's men brewing in south, with both of them wanting to help the common people. Essentially civil war is inevitable, because the two more authoritarian future potential heads of the nation are not happy about losing the election, and the democratic parties won't either be happy about either of them getting into power.

TL;DR Germany won WW1 and Fascism did not get invented, because Mussolini and Mosley stayed as socialists. Instead communism's more hipster sibling became the popular ideology that democracies and monarchists hate. And what I want is pretty much a Slice-of-life rp made in this setting, with occasional events happening related to the Kaiserreich timeline, like Black Monday, WW2(or Weltkrieg 2, since German victory) etc. etc.

If not interested, there are the two other rp ads made by me with more variety in them.
Right, sorry about that. Had to got the school there.

Anyway, rp.

Since it's Slice-of-Life, what I had in mind is that we could potentially have a rp where one of us rps as the french local in Nancy, or Nanzig as its renamed into that by German Empire, and other rps as a German settler who went to that location to gain better chances at employment as a multilingual person. It could be like a french police officer and a German MP, or Nurse and newly employed doctor. Or they may even be just two people with far different jobs that are ending up getting together as they share same ideological beliefs.

Truth be told, 'tis a bit hard to think up what is a good plot idea to rp, since I don't know a lot about your rp preferences and the sort. Want us to move to inbox conversations for more details?