Elf's Theory on Magic Across Fantasy Settings


The Absolute
Herein is my theory on the existence and application of Magic in the various fantasy settings, what it's made up of, and how it interacts on a scientific level. This theory is a collection of my opinions and thoughts collected after years of role play and sleepless nights. I look forward to your thoughts and hope you enjoy reading about the topic as much as I enjoy theorizing on it. I feel like this theory can very easily be applied to nearly any setting, scenario, or mode. That being said I think we need to first answer the most important question.

What is Magic?
What is Magic? How does it work? Why can't we see it? Why do some places have it, but not others? Why do some people need no training to use it, but others take several years of study? Is it a set science, or more abstract? All of these are questions that I asked myself after going through countless years of shifting through fantasy and fiction. If you asked a person on the street what Magic is your answers would be as varied as asking a person what Love is. No one has a centralized idea of what Magic is, and this will never change unless we take an in-depth look at what most believe to be the opposite of Magic: Science. If we take Magic and try to filter it through Science then Science would dictate that Magic is a particle, perhaps not necessarily matter as we understand it, but it has a definite form. Otherwise, how would one be able to measure Mana? How would Magic be able to interact with matter to produce such illogical feats? Another thing that Science would say about Magic is that it does not interact easily with other particles as if it did then it would be easy to detect through Scientific means. 'But wait!' You'd probably say. 'That doesn't actually explain anything, that just leaves more questions.' Which you'd be right, it does, but by defining Magic in a Scientific way we make it easier to answer these questions. If you tried to answer those questions before then how easy would it be to simply say, 'Because it's Magic.'?

Because it's Magic
Now that we have a better understanding of what Magic is we can start to answer some of these questions that have plagued the fantasy genre for centuries. So often we would see grand wizards casting fantastic spells, always explaining that they studied for years to know these things, but never telling us the exact science behind it. Or, if they did, it was half baked and just left us with more questions or the age old catchphrase, 'Because it's Magic.' For the ease of explaining things without constantly using the phrase 'Magic Particles', because that doesn't sound like cocaine at all, let's call these particles MP. So let's go down the list, shall we?

Q: How does it work?
A: MP works by having a lot of stored potential energy, think of MP like a bubble filled with energy just waiting to burst. Naturally, if you gather up enough of this energy you can accomplish nearly anything.

Q: Then, how do certain spells accomplish very specific tasks?
A: There is a reason why most spells require rituals, keywords, incantations, or even ingredients, it's all to accomplish that specific task you're giving it. In the case of rituals you are using a certain process to gather enough MP to complete the job. When using keywords to activate a spell or enchantment upon an item you are using the Magic within yourself to influence the Magic stored in said item, whether it be a living or non-living object. As for Incantations to cast spells it's along the same lines as using keywords. You are using the MP stored inside your body to influence the MP around you. Lastly, when using ingredients to cast spells you are using the physical items to influence MP in the way in which you need, using your own MP to assist in the process that wouldn't happen otherwise.

Q: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're saying that we have to use the MP inside of ourselves to accomplish these things, how do we do that?
A: The simple answer is 'Practice makes perfect'. In most cases, it can be said that the more MP a person has within the better off they will be, the amount of MP one has made it easier to influence other MP. In order to influence the MP within the body, it's largely a case of mind over matter. You think, it does kind of thing, but it takes practice and learning exactly which state of mind or thought processes cause you to influence the MP inside of yourself. I say 'state of mind' because in most cases it takes concentration to cast spells, even a small amount of stress can undo amazing spells, so naturally it must be a prerequisite to learning to cast spells.

Q: Wait...so I use my brain to influence Magic? How can the brain influence Magic when I can't even see it?
A: Did you need to see the air before you knew how to breathe it? Magic is all around you, so it must be inside of you, and if your body created a way to breathe the air then it has made a way to utilize MP. In fact, organic life is the most proficient form of life capable of using Magic. Life has a very efficient set of processes it uses to adapt a life form to an environment, one of those processes is to become acclimated. What does that mean? Life has given itself a form capable of interacting with the environment in a way to utilize everything it possibly can to its fullest potential. Thus, if Life has become acclimated to air that contains MP, that life form has the ability to interact with MP. Interaction with MP changes everything about how MP functions. Once MP interacts with the organic systems of a life form it becomes a part of that organic system. In most cases life is too primitive to utilize MP the way you see in fantasy, casting spells and such, but the more advanced the life form becomes the more it will be able to utilize the MP within itself. When the life form reaches sentience they can then apply magic in all of its various forms. But that still doesn't answer the question. You can use the MP inside of your body by using the electrical currents naturally running through your body. Every thought in your head ignites a spark of energy from your brain, and you use that energy to tap into the potential energy stored in your MP, which in turn influences the MP around you. You then use the training in how to master Magic to give your MP shape and learn to give it specific tasks. The more magic around and inside of you, the easier it is to master MP.

Q: So then why can't everyone cast magic? Why is it only in some places but not others?
A: The usage of Magic is definitely not for everyone, this is true, but that's mostly due to the lack of MP. Life is fickle and the process of evolution takes time and shifts and changes based on the needs of survival. No one needs magic to survive, adaptation just seeing MP as just another part of the environment. It takes training and will to use Magic, and it takes the mind. If the will to use isn't there then the body will not use it and if you don't know how to influence the MP then any energy you do end up using randomly just gets absorbed into the body harmlessly. This also explains why some bloodlines can use more magic than others. Their ancestors practiced magic and through their interaction with MP passed that ability to interact down the line. As for why it is in some places but not others we'd need to explain how MP is spread throughout a given dimension. I believe that Magic, much like any particle, is spread during the creation of a universe. If your little part of the dimension simply doesn't have enough MP to ignite Magic then it's just bad luck, the chaos of space spread the MP in your part of the dimension too thin.

Q: Alright, then why can't we see it?
A: We can, in high concentrations of course. If there is a high enough concentration of MP and it has no other choice but to clump together, such as the high pressure of deep below the ground, then it will. In fact, it has three distinct states, only two of which are observable: Liquid and Solid. MP achieves a Liquid, such as elixirs and potions state only when MP is used to concentrate it and force it to interact with other particles that form liquids. It achieves a Solid state, such as mana crystals, when put under high pressure deep under the ground or artificially using pre-existing crystals or stones to store the MP. When MP is just a free-floating particle it is unable to be observed, thus the legend that Magic cannot be seen.

Q: Why can't Magic in the air be seen?
A: As I stated before Magic doesn't like interacting with other particles or matter, including light particles. This makes the light that usually gives a particle contrast that allows us to see it unusable, and making Magic invisible.

Q: Why can non-organic life not use magic?
A: I never said they couldn't, just that it's easier for organic life. Non-organic life can certainly use magic if they know of its existence, at which point it'd be a simple matter of adapting the MP to their technology and expanding from there.​

Wrapping this up I theorize that Magic is, in fact, a physical particle and not only can be seen but is a very integrated part of the natural world. Magic can be used through countless years of our bodies adapting to it and integrating it into our bodies. We are then able to use the electrical currents of our bodies to activate that Magic and cast spells. It takes training to do these things because, like riding a bike, you have to learn how to make it work. We can only see Magic in a Solid or Liquid form because MP doesn't interact naturally with other particles, such as light particles, and is, therefore, invisible. Some people are able to use Magic, but not others, because of the uneven spreading of the MP throughout a dimension. One planet will have a lot but another will have none, them's just the brakes.
Now that you've taken this ride with me I hope I made you think more on the vague subject of what exactly Magic is, and how it is applied. Naturally, I don't expect your opinions to align with mine and, as such, now ask for your thoughts on the subject. What questions do you still have on my theory? Do you agree, disagree? I know it's probably hard to really find a stance on something as abstract as the concept of magic, but hey I did it, but I'm also the one crazy enough to write so in depth about all of this. I love talking about this stuff so any commentary would be welcomed.​
Interesting. I assume that it's not for every Fantasy setting? Because there are some setting where magic just does whatever it wants.
No it is for most, if not all. If the universe has magic I can apply my theory to it. like for instance that world where magic seems to do as it wishes randomly. MP has an indeterminate amount of potential energy, and in high enough densities it can even become unstable. That's what makes mining magical crystals so dangerous, such as in the Dragon Age series. It can kill you. Same can be said if there is a large abundance in the air. I gathers, and causes a reaction, not always the same reaction.
What about the 'seen' magic, for instance? Do some MPs carry specific colored or large particles that the human/non human eye can see or latch onto. If I were to cast a spell that looks red to me because I have a specific type of MP, would it appear different to other people?
Since color and lighht are created by the reverberation of waves off of the jumping of elections in a source, is it safe to say that magic can carry some sort of an electrical charge if it can be seen? Color is also affected by the types of substances being used to creat light, so what if there are different types of MP formed of different chemical compounds in order to create different polarity, color, and brightness of different magics?;)
That would be a logical step in the theory. Since many different color and variations of mana stones are found, though I summize that there are only few 'pure' strains of MP as the blue variety tends to be the vast majority when indicating magic. Red can also be used as well, but a better explanation of why spells change color between individuals is likely due to personal preference or bias. Your brain associating a specific color to the particles making up your MP and the MP that you directly influence around you. Thus also explaining Magical Auras or Magic Signatures.