Favorite roleplay genre

Fantasy and the supernatural. Also sci-fy though I haven't done that one in years ^^
Sci fi and cyberpunk get the thoughts going and the writing flowing

No matter how much I try to deny it, fantasy is always my cup of tea, and to narrow it down further... High fantasy taking place in another world. It's always fascinating seeing the worlds, races, and stories that are crafted in these worlds, and actually participating in those worlds.
Gritty, dark horror is top tier. Like, stuff with elements like body horror, psychological horror, etc. The Thing, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Alien, Darkwood, The Descent, all that stuff is great.
I have too many favorites!
I'd have to say though, folklore is one of my tops. Especially anything relating to Japanese folklore and yokais!

Though I gotta say, apocalyptic and futuristic plots are always fun as well.
Superhero/Comic genre but without an established lore. All original world building. Also like cyberpunk and just about anything except for High Fantasy.