Favourite types of tea?

I like my tea unsweetened, and I enjoy Earl gray and green mostly. I'll drink chamomile occasionally, but I'm actually more fond of coffee.
Consider this either as a get-to-know or a casual discussion. I am a personal fan of coffee and tea, often cycling between them occasionally, and want to know some personal favourites.

One of my personal favourites is Constant Comment tea, notably from the brand Bigelow. It has sweet spice and orange zest, I love it in black or green teas. My other big favourite is chai teas, though Chai White takes the cake in flavour.

If not a fan of teas, perhaps a favourite beverage in general? What latte do you enjoy? Perhaps a coffee blend you enjoy, whatever you find relaxing and helps unwind, really.
Lemon blueberry tea from Timothy's I think it is. Coconut tea. Hot chocolate tea. Irish cream coffee. Butterscotch/maple coffee, or just plain coffee. hot chocolate, plain or flavoured with something. Major hot drink fan.
I didn't remember this thread existed.

As for beverages lately, I am on my coffee cycle. I love a lot of lattes, and macchiatos are amazing, but I am very picky with my plain cup o' black joe. Dark roasts are the only roast, light roasts lack the toasty flavor and burn your throat with acid, and the extra caffeine doesn't do anything for me. The only cold drinks I enjoy are lemonades, juices, soft drinks, etc. Iced tea (Southern or not) is not particularly appealing to me, and I wouldn't typically go out of my way for iced coffee either.

As for tea blends, my opinion hasn't really changed from my first post. Can't really beat sweet spice and orange zest, and chai spiced beverages will always have a throne.
Hehe! I'm having too much fun reading and posting in this forum. Going down and down and down the list. Wow, that's interesting about light coffee, I never drink that since there's always dark or medium roast in the house. But thanks for the warning. I do not like acidic coffee. Not a fan of ice/slushy drinks of any kind. Much prefer cold drinks in a liquid state, and then, just ice cold water, or something non-fruity, like chocolate milk, cold coffee, or some sort of combo of the two. I like lemonade and such drinks at room temp.
I personally like the casual tea and tea with milk (not the green tea one, thanks). Choco with Green Tea or Mint taste and Strawberry Milk (don't blame me, can't resist 'em) on the list as well.

Spent so much money on them due to their taste, even to the point I have a hard time with money.
Brewed everyday breakfast tea will always be my favorite even though I'm a Barista and around coffee pretty much 24/7. On the note of coffee, no way can I get behind instant granules. Peach iced tea is <3
Instant granules are very... acquired taste? They are made with Robusta beans, not Arabica, which makes it more bitter and generally not as appealing. I have tried instant coffee that was actually chicory/rye/barley/etc based, and that was good.

Peach iced tea is always nice.
Hot one, mixed vith some lemon and honey. For vhen my throat starts acting up, like it did last week. But asyde from those rare times, i dont drink tea.