Frame (this roleplay is also atomicpunk)

1948 and the world is still recovering from the second world war. Towns, cities and countries all starting to finish rebuilding everything they lost, everyone is tired of war. Well except for two nations the USSR and the United States Of America, showing there powerful military and devastating atomic bombs. The fight begins between communism and democracy, leading to new innovations in science. In 1950 the USSR best architects, engineers and scientists approached the deranged leader Joseph Stalin. Handing him plans for the FRAME project. Frame was a project unlike any other, where the scientist plan to manipulate gravity so a city could live in a cube like dome. Where on the insides of the cube a city would be formed on every side. The idea seemed far fetched but the potential of knowing to manipulate gravity was enough to get the man to sign the project off. After three years with little results Stalin shut the project down, claiming that its "sucking too many resources out of the Soviet Union with the project dead, the city of Chernobyl was built replacing the testing grounds. The workers on the project soon disappears with no one hearing from them again. By the year of 1955 the city of Chernobyl grows more across the global am estimate four hundred thousand people disappear without a trace. By 1960 the USA intercepts a signal from the USSR where it describes frame project. President John F. Kennedy gets the information about the project and how its located 80 miles under Chernobyl. With little options the president decides to send a ten man squad to being to light on what the USSR is doing.

The plot:
In 1961 the squad is finally trained and sent off to the tourist attraction Chernobyl. The job is claimed to be an easy one, to locate and infiltrate Frame. After infiltration, grab as many documents that could be lurking around. However there's more to it than the squad thought when they find the city, they see that's its fully functional. Filled with technology more advanced than there own the crew must escape a city or die trying....

If there are any questions please let me know.